Chapter 2: finding out

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After that round, facing omega went it was Izu's turn but what he said stund me. I mean he has been looking forward to highschool since we were 5 years old and found out our second genders. Something was definitely wrong and I'm gonna find out what.But first we need to finish the day. The day went on, it wasn't all that exciting. The end of the day rolled around so everyone started to pack up for the day. Izu was the first one out the door. I didn't even get to ask to walk with him because he was gone so fast. So instead I walked over to his house to find out what today was about. When I rang the doorbell his mom answered Ohh Katsuki what can we do for you? I was wondering if I can talk to Izuku aunty. Is he in his room? She looked at me in disgust but then she said something that shook me to my bones. That rached child hasn't lived here in the last 3 months. We had to kick him out if you want to see that disappointment here is his new address. She handed me a piece of paper with an address on it then closed the door.


It was a long day even though nothing really happened. I am extremely hungry so I popped in a microwavable pizza and grabbed a glass of sweet tea. My feet were killing me and I still felt nauseous so as my food was heating up I went to my bathroom and grabbed an anti nausea pill my doctor prescribed. Then went back to the kitchen taking my food and drink into the living room, turning on netflix and watched Criminal Minds until the time became 6:00pm then it was time I had to go to work.I worked at an 24/7 open walffale house that was next to my old middle school.My work times varied tonight I worked from 6 to 12 then i could come home and sleep.


I can't believe my Izu has been disowned and on his own for 3 month. He didn't tell me. Why, what could have happened to make his parents disown him? I went home and walked into the kitchen where the old hag was. I wanted to know if she knew anything since she was good friends with Inko, Izu's mom. Hey Old Hag We Need To Talk!. She turned to me. What about brat? Did you know that Izuku's parents kicked him out? Her expression when i said that said everything she had no clue. Her eyes widened and it looked as if she just lost a child. Then she said something No i didn't do you know where he is? Yea his mom gave me his new address. She took the paper from me then told me to get in the car. I guess we were going to Izu's place. The drive was quiet when we made it to the place. I looked around it was an apartment complex on the bad side of town. Me and the old hag didn't like it at all. It sent our alpha instances into overdrive. We wanted to get Izu and leave. We went up to his door and knocked. He answered after 5 min of standing there.


I had just gotten out of the shower when there was a knock at the door. I thought it was that crazy landlord again so I got dressed in my work uniform, grabbed my stuff and answered. To my surprise it was Aunty and Kacchan. What were they doing here? Hello Kacchan, Aunty please come in. they came in and Kacchan wouldn't stop staring at me was my stomach showing? What the hell Nerd!!! Why didn't you say anything Kacchan shouted at me and for some reason probably hormones I had started to cry. Look what you did, Katsuki ,his crying now. Aunty walked over to me rapping her arms around me, Izuku are you ok? I looked up and shook my head then we all sat on my couch when Aunty started to ask me questions. So Izuku what happened? Why did Inko kick you out? And why didn't you tell me? I couldn't tell you i was ashamed and for what i did I'm sorry I can't tell you. However as soon as I said that my answer machine went off HEY IZUKU GET YOUR PREGNANT ASS TO WORK NOW!!! Everyone went silent. Then Kacchan broke it looking at me with wide eyes tribaling i think from anger YOUR PREGNANT!!! I didn't answer, I just shook my head yes.


The nerd let us in. He looked like he was headed somewhere but I didn't care. I ended up yelling at him which made him cry. The old hag came to his defence then we sat on the couch. The old hag began asking questions. Izu wasn't prompt to answer but then his answermachian went off HEY IZUKU GET YOUR PREGNANT ASS TO WORK NOW!!! What the actuarial fuck he didn't say he was pregnant there was silence as me and the old hag stared at him then i couldn't hold back YOUR PREGNANT!!! I screamed and he looked up and just shook his head then began to cry again. I couldn't believe it who the fuck got to still what was sapost to be mine?!. Izuku was supposed to have my kids. He was supposed to be my Omega who the hell took him before I did. does he have an alpha or is he an abandoned omega?!. The idea that some alpha prick got him pregnant then just beld pissed me off to no end. Then the noise of the old hags' voice got me out of my thoughts. So Izuku how far along are you? The hag didn't let up her gaze from Izu when he wiped his tears and whimpered out, about 3 months now. Wait 3 months that means that he was kicked out for being pregnant damn that's not right. Then the hag looked at me. I already knew what she was going to say so I just shook my head. Lesson Izuku, how about you come live with us? I don't think this is a place for a pregnant omega to be and I want you to quit that job of yours ok. He just looked at her then shook his head once more.

With that Katsuki and his mother started to take Izuku's things and put it in the car. Izuku wasn't allowed to help, Katsuki wouldn't let him.when they were done they all got in the car Izuku didn't own that much. Before they could go home however they stopped at Izuku's work so he could quit. Katsuki and his mother waited in the car then about 30 minutes past Izuku came out puffy eyes and red face indicating he was crying. He got back in the car and they headed to the Bakugou household on the way there Izuku fell asleep.

A baby (bakudeku) omegaverseحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن