What is the greatest thing that could ever happen to you?

121 16 4

This is a really hard question!!! I need time to think about it, so I'm gonna go and make a drink then come back.


So I've thought about it and I realised I can't narrow it down to one thing!

I mean there are so many great things I want to happen.

One amazing thing that would just be a dream come true would be to meet Clara. That would definitely be great, but then there are more things that would be amazing.

Another one would be to be in a West End show when I am older. That would literally be amazing because I have always wanted to do that since I was younger.

One more thing I would love to do is to become fluent in Spanish and Italian. I can speak a lot of both, but it would be nice to be fluent.

So I can't really narrow it down to one thing, there are so many things I would love to happen, I have not even thought about things like getting married and having kids, which would be amazing.

There are so many things I have not even included that I want to do!

Thanks for the question @dhrishti_442. Don't worry if your question has not been answered yet, I will be doing more tomorrow.

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