chapter 7

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(a/n: this is like a direct continuation from the last chapter, also i headcanon miahs name as jeremiah)

"Do you like, like a boy now?" Linda asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"Uh, well, there's this one boy I think is..." Gary laughed "...cute"

"Ooooo who" Linda laughed with him.

"Well, you know, Jeremiah in my history class"

"Kind of...wait isn't he the fucking nutcase that always speed walks and literally has coffee running through this veins"

"Yep...that's the one"

"He's an absolute dickhead, you know that, right?"

"Yeah...I wouldn't ever like try and talk to him, I don't even know if he's, you know, into boys"

"No one at our school is out so R.I.P to us, I guess"


"Sorry, I kinda fucked today up, we were just doing our hw and I just, you know, dumped all my problems on you, sorry"

"No no no Linda, I fucked it up, and I don't think lowkey coming out is dumping your problems on me"

"I'm still sorry, also like I don't want to know..."




"Because it's like, everything would be so much easier if I was straight"

"Linda" he put his hand on hers to comfort her "It''s okay, you like don't have to change, you know? And, you don't actually know yet, don't stress until you know, and even when you do know you don't need to stress's fine Linda, it's fine"

"Thank you, Gary"


The next day, Linda regretted everything she told Gary. Although he told her it was okay and she had nothing to worry about, she couldn't help but hate the fact she could potentially be gay. She tried to ignore it for now.

"Hey Linda" Gary said, pulling her out of her thought.

"Oh- um- hi Gary"

"You okay?"

"Yeah um... please forget what I said yesterday, I wasn't thinking properly, just forget I said anything..."

"oh okay..."

"But like, I still accept you, I just am..."



"Don't worry, it's okay"



After many hours of classes, it was the end of the day. Linda was going to be studying with Becky. At Becky's house. Linda was nervous, really nervous, she had no idea why though.

"You just want to make a good impression after the...incident in middle school" she thought

"You just want to be like her so you don't want to seem like an idiot around her"

"You're just jealous of her, that's it"

She kept coming up with more and more reasons in her head. Although deep down she knew none were true.

"Hi Linda!" Linda was pulled out of her thoughts as Becky greeted her, bubbly as usual.

"Hi Becky" Linda replied, slightly awkwardly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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