We're Not Friends

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I am not a jealous person, Y/N reminded herself for the umpteenth time as Hayley tucked her hair behind her ears, flashing Elijah a bashful smile.

She watched them for a moment from across the room, Elijah saying something that had caused Hayley to laugh. He smiled in return, and Hayley placed her hand on his arm, leaning up and whispering in his ear. If Y/N wasn't seeing red already, she would have lost it when Hayley leaned up on her toes, kissing him sweetly on the cheek before stepping away.

Y/N watched Elijah watching her walk away, growing more jealous with each second that passed and hating every moment of it. She shook the thought away, resolving to not let it ruin her night, and moved across the room toward him.

She was stopped by Klaus, pulling her effortlessly into his arms and moving across the dance floor. "I thought you couldn't make it this evening, love," he smiled knowingly at her.

She turned her head, searching for Elijah. "Well, I'm here...." she muttered.

He twirled her, pulling her in once more and forcing her eyes to meet his. "I'm sure your schedule miraculously clearing up would have nothing to do with a certain wolf being back in town..."

She glared at him before glancing away. "I don't know what you're talking about," she grimaced. Was she that obvious?

"Well," Klaus' breath danced across her skin. "It looks like our little wolf is back and on the hunt." He tilted his head and she followed his gaze to find Elijah, Hayley clinging to him as they swayed at the other end of the dance floor.

"He can do what he wants," Y/N all but growled, her frustration growing rapidly - at Elijah, at Hayley, at herself. "We're just friends..." she had said the lie so many times it fell from her lips with ease.

"You have many talents, Y/N. Lying is not one of them. Besides, love, green isn't your color," Klaus smirked and released her, gone before she could tear her eyes away from the scene in front of her.

She blinked, realizing she was alone in a crowded room. She knew she had no right to be jealous, Elijah was more than capable of making his own decisions. She had told him as much, refusing to put a label to anything they were, refusing to be his date so publicly to this stupid ball. He had wanted more and she pushed him away- and for what? So she could continue to build walls and not get hurt?

She scoffed at herself. She had worked so hard to keep him at arms length, and it hadn't mattered.

She turned once more to find the music shifting into another song, Hayley leaning back to look Elijah in the eyes, as if trying to convey an old feeling.

She considered her options for a moment, no longer caring about the consequences and marching over towards them. She tapped Hayley on the shoulder, who turned with a shocked look. "Y/N, I didn't think you were coming..."

Y/N smiled tightly at her, turning her gaze towards Elijah. "May I step in?" She asked politely, though she felt anything but. She clutched her hands behind her back, her nerves causing them to shake.

Elijah lifted a brow at her, and turned to address Hayley. "Forgive me," he said. "Perhaps we can continue this conversation another time."

Hayley looked between the two of them. "Yea, sure..." she trailed off, shooting Y/N a look before dismissing herself.

They stood and watched each other for a moment before Elijah held his hand out. She took it wordlessly, and they began to move across the floor.

"You came," Elijah noted after a beat of silence.

She nodded, leaning back to look up at him.

His eyes searched hers and it took her a moment to realize the music had stopped, Klaus tapping a champagne glass to gather the attention of the guests. She hadn't heard what he said, but followed everyone's lead to their tables, dinner beginning to be served.

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