"Good. Good." Clay nodded as he paced around.

Natalie turned to Justin. "Are you going to be okay until someone comes later?"

"I don't need a babysitter." Justin mumbled and Natalie looked up at Clay who coughed lightly.

Clay looked down at Natalie handing her a polaroid picture of her brother butt naked on top of a girl. "Ew, Clay. I don't wanna see that." Natalie turned it over to see the writing.

"Do you know where that is?" He asked and she looked at it closely, trying to avoid the whole brother thing.

"I don't know." Natalie looked up at Justin who put his hand on her back. "I mean, it's definitely not the pool house. I would never have a couch that looks like that."

"So where is it then?" Clay raises an eyebrow at her.

"I can ask Bryce" Natalie shrugged.

"No, we need him off our tracks for now." Clay says sternly and she nods in a response as Tony comes in through the window.

"Wait? He's my babysitter? Why can't Natalie just stay?" Justin asks and Natalie takes a deep breath.

"I have to go to school and then have dinner with my parents and my brother and his obnoxious girlfriend. I would much rather be here." Natalie stands up as her hand stays with Justin.

"I thought he wanted nothing to do with me." Justin shook his head, pointing to Tony.

"Oh, I don't. So keep your mouth shut and don't piss me off. And if you puke on this leather, I'm gonna have to kick your ass." Tony shook his head.

"Have fun. Don't kill each other." Natalie kissed Justin's head and sent a wink to Tony as Clay and Natalie made their way to her car.

Walking into school, she felt everybody watch her as she ran into Zach. They were both speechless. "Natalie." He said sternly.

"Hi Zachy." Natalie smiles slightly.

"You're back." Zach nodded.

"I'm back." Natalie looked at the ground.

"I'm glad to see it." He said as he caught up with Jessica and Alex, who wouldn't even look near her. Maybe Jessica didn't want them there or maybe it was just an off day but she shook her head and made her way to Mr. Porters office.

She nodded at the office lady as she made her way to Porter's office. She knocked on the door slightly. "Natalie, come on in."

Natalie nodded and sat down in the chair across from him. "So your credits didn't transfer over but since you were ahead of the game in November, you'll only have to do a little bit of summer school." Porter said as he handed her a new schedule.

"Okay." Natalie shrugged, scanning the schedule.

"If you need anything, just let me know. My doors always open." Porter nodded and Natalie stood up.

"I wonder how many times you've said that." Natalie rolled her eyes as she walked to her first class in the school she was already familiar with.

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