Toxic Relation ship (Ryan x Thomas)

Start from the beginning

"H-hey Thomas if you don't mind could you uhm...come back here tonight i have some thing to tell you......if thats alright" Ryan asked with a soft but weak smile on his face.

Thomas stopped and thought for a moment, he decided it would be okay so he agreed to meet Ryan again tonight so Ryan could tell him what he wanted to tell him.

It seemed like night would never come as it started to get into the late afternoon as Ryan sat there getting his cab fixed but Kevin kept Ryan entertained as he zoomed and wized around the Steam works often crashing or falling over dropping the small flat bed attached to his hook, Victor often scolled Kevin telling him to be more careful.

Ryan chuckled, "is alright Victor besides he's just helping like always right?"

"Yeah! It was just the-"

"Slip of me hook' i know Kevin but please be more careful especially when you're carrying heavy tools or parts on that flat bed of yours okay? Me and Ryan both don't want to see you get hurt again alright?" Victor said as him and Ryan softly smiled at Kevin who was silent for a moment.

"Right boss! And sorry boss!" Kevin chuckled as he zoomed around Ryan to the other side of the Steam works crashing into some thing else as Victor sighed while Ryan just giggled at whatever had happened over there.

(Small time skip)

It was getting late and every worker in the Steam Works had left, now it was only Victor, Kevin and Ryan there, Kevin was helping Victor by tightening up the place before they go to sleep, Kevin was more careful as to not wake any one nearby so was Victor as he pushed flatbeds of old parts over to the next siding two rails away from Ryan.

Ryan watched as they pushed and clean areas of the Steam Works before finally calling it quits and heading back to the sheds where they slept , but before they did Kevin quickly wheeled over to Ryan.

"Good night Ryan!"

"Good night Kevin" Ryan said as Kevin quickly zoomed over to the shed as quick as did approaching Ryan, Victor also approached Ryan from the side where he usually greated Engines if they was to come in during the day with something broken that needed to be fixed,"Good night Ryan we shall get you a new coat of paint as soon as the sun arises tomorrow morning" Victor said.

"Thanks Victor and Good night to you too" Ryan replied slightly nodding as Victor chuffed away to join Kevin in the shed for the night.

Ryan saw a fimilar blue tank engine approach him as he felt his boiler bubble with both worrie but relief for what he was about to say.

"So what was it you wanted to tell me Ryan?" Thomas asked as he came to a stop.

Ryan sighed "Thomas i need your help me and Arthur are not getting along in are relationship and is starting to get really toxic and i don't really know what to do.......i know that if i break up with him he'll threaten me if not hurt me and i don't want that to will you please help me....." Ryan pleaded as he glanced back up at Thomas with worried in his eye's.

Thomas knew what to do as far as toxic relationships so of course he was going to help Ryan the best he could, "of course I'll help you Ryan you know that I'll do anything to help any kind of engine" Thomas said as he glanced back up at Ryan.

"Thank you so much Thomas....." Ryan said as he relaxed slightly now that he knew things could go well.

With that being said Thomas then left the Steam Works as Ryan and the other's rested that night.

Ryan woke up early that morning as the men started to work on his paint job now that he was fixed they could paint him then he could leave for the day, while the men painted him he started to worrie about what would happen if Arthur was to see him here, then Ryan saw Thomas and Connor quickly puff by on the other side of the steam works we're the light box was.

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