"Thank you, Prince Lewyn," Daenerys says.

"Just a warning, I hear our King is looking for you," Lewyn says and Daenerys heart sinks to her stomach. That was the thing she feared most, especially after what she had said at dinner the night before. She thought she could bide her time. Three days and she'd be gone, but she should have known that Rhaegar would search for her.

"Thank you for informing me," Daenerys says forcing a smile, "I shouldn't keep the King waiting."

Daenerys has to force herself to walk down the hall, leaving her brother and the only knight she trusted behind her. Her feet however detour. Instead of searching for her brother, Daenerys finds herself outside of Selena's room, knocking desperately on the Baratheon girl's door.

"Daenerys?" Selena asks as she answers, "What's wrong?"

"You need to leave now," Daenerys says softly, "Rhaegar wants to talk to me. He'll be distracted. Prince Lewyn just relived Ser Barristan, he'll help you get Viserys on the ship. Get your ladies and leave."

Selena looks at her confused, "Wait, slow down. Rhaegar wants to see you? Why?"

"We know why," Daenerys answers, "This is an opportunity. Take it."

"We only have one ship, the other two won't be docked till morning," Selena says. She bites her lip as she meets Daenerys's gaze, "Don't go see Rhaegar."

"I can't avoid him, Selena. The castle is so big, and everyone knows he's looking for me, it's only a matter of time. I'm your distraction. Use me and save my brother."


"Leave tonight," Daenerys says before she smiles at Selena, "Your plan will work. Take Viserys and bring down my brother."

She doesn't wait for Selena to respond as she makes her way to the Great Hall. She knew Rhaegar would be there, it was where he dealt with one sibling, now it was time for him to deal with the other.

She could see her brother sitting on the Iron Throne, once again the Great Hall was empty. This time there would be no witnesses. Rhaegar would be able to finish her off if he wanted to, she would not be granted the mercy to live as Viserys had been.

"Sister," Rhaegar greets. She ignores him as she glances around, trying to find an escape. There was a decorative bow on the wall that had once belonged to Bryden Rivers, best known as Bloodraven. There were also arrows left behind by the City Watch. If Daenerys needed an escape plan, there it was.

"Your Grace," Daenerys greeted as she stepped closer to the throne, "I hear you've been searching for me."

"I have," Rhaegar says as he stands from the throne, "I wanted to talk. Brother to sister."

Daenerys meets indigo eyes as Rhaegar stands before her, "Then let's talk."

"You know the truth," Rhaegar says, "And I want to know how."

"How do I know that you were the one that stabbed Viserys? Or about how you annulled your marriage to your wife to marry another woman? Or about how you've lied to your children about the line of succession? Which truth do you want me to explain, Rhaegar?"

It happens in a moment. Rhaegar moves quickly as he grabs Daenerys's throat, squeezing tightly as he shoves her against the nearest wall. She winces as her back makes impact with the wall and looks defiantly at her brother.

"You were there weren't you?" Rhaegar asks, "Spying on me, were you? You always did like to follow me around."

"Let her go!"

BLOOD WARS | D. TargaryenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon