The Others: Part 2

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The purple bunny and blue bunny were in an animal control van.
"Cierra we need to find a way out," Jordan said, banging on the door with his stubby little arms. It didn't make a loud noise. Only little bangs. They both tried to scream, but it came out as a squeak.

"Let's kick the door!" Cierra shouted in a high pitched voice. They started kicking the door with their stubby arms. But, they stopped because of the truck. The door at the back opened and two more bunnies went in. "We're Cierra and Jordan, your names?"

"Guys? It's us, Isaac and Bethany," Isaac replied, squeaking at the end. They were all dumbfounded that they were small bunnies that were weird colors.

"Well this is certainly an adventure," Jordan said, laughing a bit. Only the laugh don't sound like a laugh. It was a high pitched squeal that sounded like he was fanboying at the Doctor.

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