I get jealous, but I'm too cool to admit it

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Thank you lovely DearPatience for this story prompt. I hope that I did it justice. Its pretty short, because I was very eager to finish it.

If you want a story that send me a prompt and I will write it!

Ps. Check the video. It's so cool and the song is so good.

Lots of Love - M🥀

I found myself staring at the way that his ass bent in my direction while he picked up the papers that had fallen out of his hands. I swear to god, it was illegal for him to wear pants so tight. I could already feel the familiar itch in my pants. The blond devil did it again, he never let's me work normally.

"I am so sorry, Mr. Styles!" Niall said in a very believable sorry voice as he looked into my eyes. "I am just way to clumsy. And I am so sorry Miss Camille, I hope that this dress wasn't to expensive."

I had to hide the chuckle that was ready to escape my lips as I looked down at my future business partners crème collored Tom Fords dress, that bitch ain't getting that coffee stain out of that fabric.

"It's fine. But it would be better if you left, Neil." Camille tried to sound nice, but here voice was still venomous and I started to get annoyed at her for certain things.

"It's Niall, Camille. And he is sorry. It won't happen again." I smiled in her direction and then gave Niall a small wink while she cleaned up her dress.

I watched as Niall's hips swinged in a seductive way while he exited my office. I had to bit down my lip to stop myself from the dirty thoughts that went through my mind. The way that I could bend him over my knee and slap his ass for being so clumsy and ruining my business meeting. To hear him say sorry sir while my palm collided with his bare bum.

"Harry? Hazz? Are you there?" I heard Camille's way to sweet voice. I don't have nothing against women, but their voices sometimes are too much. Too high and too sweet.

"Yeah, sorry. Zoned out for a second. What were we talking about?" I moved in my chair and felt the painful erection making it hard for me to sit.

"Before your useless assistant ruined my expensive dress, I mentioned the fact that Styles cars would be great partners with my dad's movie studio." How dares she talk about Niall like that? I felt anger arising in my stomach, but I couldn't act on anything. Me and Niall agreed that keeping us a secret is for the best.

"Yeah, it sounds plausible. We need a new kick in our marketing and featuring our cars in your dad's movies would be a great way to do so. Just send me all the paperwork from your side and I will send you everything that we need you to sign." I said and released a breath that I was holding. I just wanted her to leave, so I can call Niall in for a "meeting".

"Amazing. We are very thrilled to be partnered with your firm, Harry. Would you like to go out and celebrate our future deal?" Camille basically threw herself on me and sat down on my lap. So rude and unprofessional.

"Camille, please. This is inappropr-" I was cut mid-sentence when a small voice echoed from the door.

"Mr. St-" I saw pain in Niall's eyes and I wanted to say something, but Camille beat me up for it.

"Spit it out, Nel! Me and Harry are busy." I wanted to move and say something, but my mouth was making small 'o' sounds and nothing came out, because of the shock of what was happening.

"Mr. Styles, I wanted to remind you about your lunch meeting, but now I see that it's cancelled. Sorry. I won't disturb you no more." I heard Niall's voice crack in a delicate way and as I saw him quickly turning around and running away I also saw a tear slid down his cheek.

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