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taeil listened to music to keep himself calm as he walked into the campus library. it was five thirty, thirty whole minutes before he was supposed to meet donghyuck, but he'd rather die than keep the younger waiting.

taeil glanced around the quiet library, bowing respectfully at the librarian before going to the books. he looked around for textbooks that would help donghyuck, satisfied only when he found some of the textbooks that he used to use when he was a first year.

taeil left the book shelves and looked for a good place to sit. out of the corner of his eye, he saw a boy waving him over. taeil blinked, looking over to him.

his skin was beautifully tanned, his soft-looking brown hair covering his forehead and soft waves. he was in an orange hoodie that made his skin almost glow. he slightly resembled a pudu, which taeil thought was outrageously cute. his eyes shone with excitement and enthusiasm. taeil wasn't used to seeing such a happy demeanor from someone who was surrounded by books in the library.

he looks so soft.

taeil slowly walked over to him and took off his headphones, "lee donghyuck?"

"yes, that's me!" the boy exclaimed energetically, standing up from the table he was at and quickly bowing at taeil, "it's so nice to meet you, taeil hyung."

"yeah, you too," taeil nodded, slightly bowing back at his junior, "let's keep our voices down, though, okay? we're in a library."

"right, sorry," donghyuck cleared his throat, gesturing to the seat in front of him, "please, sit."

"so, i'm moon taeil, senior. we apparently have the same major, which is probably why professor kim set this up," taeil spoke as he set his book bag down, "i hear you've been having a bit of trouble in her class."

"yeah, it's been difficult. i've always been really bad at math," donghyuck sighed, scratching the back of his neck, "sorry, i'm a bit flustered."

"it's nothing to worry about. lots of people find math to be hard," taeil shrugged, "let's focus on raising your grade, not on being embarrassed about them."

"it's not that," donghyuck shook his head, smiling brightly at taeil, "i mean, yeah, my grades suck and it sucks even more that you had to find about them, but it's not the main reason why i'm nervous."

"oh, then why are you nervous?" taeil asked, "i'm sure it isn't a big deal. i'm nervous too, but that's just cause i practically always am. i'm not good around people."

"i'm nervous because i really look up to you," donghyuck beamed, taeil's cheeks dusting a light pink at his words, "you're really talented and really cute. i'm glad that you're the one who was chosen to tutor me."

"i'm- no," taeil shook his head, clearing his throat, "let's keep the compliments at a zero, okay? let's focus on studying. what lesson are you guys on in your class?"

"but i like complimenting you. you look so cute whenever you're flustered. don't worry, i'm really flustered too even if i don't show it. i hope you think i'm cute, too," donghyuck declared proudly, "but you're right. let's study, hyung. we're on the fourth lesson."

taeil's eyes were wide. he wasn't even sure what was going on- he really just intended to help some kid raise their grade, not be praised. he didn't handle praise very well, and he was always too awkward to give it.

"o-okay," taeil stuttered out, "um, which lesson is that?"

donghyuck passed him the textbook, pointing to a chapter.

"i don't understand any of it," donghyuck sighed, "i got confused as soon as i read the first sentence."

"don't feel bad about it," taeil shook his head, "college algebra is difficult. let's break it down one by one, okay?"

donghyuck bit his bottom lip, trying to contain his eagerness. he hated studying, but if taeil was the one to study with him, then he'd tough it out.

"let's get dinner after this, hyung. you haven't eaten, right?" donghyuck asked, "i know a really good place off campus."

"dinner?" taeil shook his head, "i don't know, donghyuck."

"it'll be fun, hyung," donghyuck promised, "i'll pay."

"i can't let you pay, i'm your senior," taeil sighed.

"no, really, it's fine," donghyuck insisted, "i don't mind. besides, i'm the one who's inviting you and so it's only right for me to pay."

"tell you what," taeil said, looking to the bubbly boy, "if you study super hard, we can get food afterwards, okay?"

donghyuck grinned, nodding quickly, "then i'll study until my brain hurts, hyung."

taeil smiled slightly, nodding. he wasn't sure why donghyuck was so interested him. the younger was more than just attractive, he was absolutely model-like. and his happy-go-lucky personality was endearing and charming, so taeil couldn't help but ponder why donghyuck seemed so excited to be around him.

time passed, taeil doing his best to help donghyuck understand the questions and reach the right answers. the freshman seemed to be clicking with it a bit more, but he definitely still needed to study and practice. they spent almost three hours at the library, cleaning up their books and putting away their things only when the librarian said the library was going to close soon.

"thanks for helping me, hyung," donghyuck bowed, "it helped a lot. you're so smart."

"sure thing," taeil mumbled out, looking to the floor since eye contact seemed impossible with the way donghyuck was staring at him in such admiration.

"so, dinner?" donghyuck asked hopefully, grabbing taeil's book bag and carrying it for him. taeil nodded, glancing to him.

"alright. dinner. just this once, though," taeil agreed, "you're paying."

donghyuck laughed happily, jumping up in excitement as he stared at the elder in awe.

"you're too cute when you try to act cool, hyung."

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