Amat Victoria Curam Victory Loves Preparation

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It didn't feel right to Sharanya to leave Arthur alone when they got home so instead of going to her cabin she went to his place and hung out with him as though they were old pals from high school catching up after a long time of being apart even if she had to stay there in silence she wasn't going to leave his side the "human" part of him was grateful for her company but the "on the job" part of him wanted her to just leave him alone and let him handle his own problems his whole being on the other hand was grateful she stayed silent and didn't pry.... not to mention she made sure he ate.... not in a motherly way but well she felt odd being the only person eating so she made him a plate and laid it by his elbow at the table making sure he at least knew it was there even if he didn't eat it.... she made him a simple BLT so he could easily eat it without utensils and didn't make too big of a mess she kept the fire in the fireplace going and left him completely alone when he went outside and started cleaning what little there was to clean inside "I wanted to thank you...."  Arthur says when he walks back inside "your home is my job and oddly enough even though I barely know you I care about you that's just who I am as a person I suppose it doesn't really take me very long to make friends but I consider very few of them my "true" friends I hope to someday count you among those I consider true.... I'm here if you need me and if not I'm just a few paces away"  she replies he chuckles.... a few minutes later they were back in his truck heading to Harry's office and that's when she began to understand his reluctance to do the job and why he was well not himself for as she could recall a job has never affected him in the way this one has.... yes I know they had only just met but there were certain "clues" that showed how each job affected him whether it was a feeling in the air or how he left the "remains" of the job he had just finished....  "are we sure about this Arthur?!"  she asks as they walk into the garage "no!"  he replies sadly "do you trust him?!"  she asks he looks at her questioningly "the man who hired you.... how much do you truly know about him?!"  she pauses then asks "is there a way to fake it?!.... I mean do they actually need proof or do they just go by what they read.... should we cut off his middle finger and send it to him in a jewelry box or is that too movie mafia?!"  he chuckles "Harry could stay at my place.... he's got enough money to procure his own private island.... something about this doesn't sit right with me.... but you know Harry better than I so.... in the end it's up to you"  she says he looks at her sadly and his whole body slumps "I'll leave you to it"  she adds patting him on the shoulder then walking away there was a huge part of him that wanted to make her stay but he knew she was only leaving so that she wasn't in the way of him doing his job and for that he was grateful once she was completely out of his view Harry appears and he ends up doing something he's never done before.... faking a death.... and much to Arthur's surprise Sharanya drives into the garage in a Rolls-Royce sedan "sorry Harry you're going to have to ride in the trunk"  Sharanya says as she pokes her head out of the window Harry smiles at her and Arthur carefully helps him into the trunk after she opens it for them by use of the trunk button in the car "you got the van or do you want to drive the beast?!"  she asks Arthur once he makes sure Harry is as comfortable as one in a trunk can be Arthur grins at her "beast it is!"  she says then she climbs out of the car and hands him the keys "don't worry I know what I'm doing after all I clean up after you all the time!"  she tells him as he takes the keys from her he laughs "he's got enough air a few bottles of water and some granola bars he should be alright"  she says he nods then climbs into the car he watches her put a hat and gloves on then climb into the van but before she climbs all the way inside she places shoe/boot covers over her boots "you can never be to careful"  she says he chuckles "shall I follow you?!"  she asks he nods they both start their vehicles then drive out of the garage....

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