
Comincia dall'inizio

Polo looked down at the girl with a smirk before placing her head off of his lap and crawling on top of her.

"Abril Josefina Montesinos Hendrich... what did I say about calling me Leopoldo?"

Abril gulped before smiling at him innocently, "Too call you it because you love me so so much?"

Polo wickedly grinned before placing his hands on both sides of Abril's waist and tickling the girl. The room was filled with laughter and screams as the boy continued to tickled the girl ignoring her cries for help.

"Okay, okay, i'll stop." Abril cried out in laughter causing Polo to stop his actions and to roll off of her with a smirk.

Polo grabs the remote from the edge of his bed and scrolls through the options and comes to sight of Twilight.

The two both discovered their love for Twilight together and a few of their movie nights would consist of a marathon and constantly arguing over Edward and Jacob.

Abril personally always thought Jasper Hale was the hottest of them all but she sailed on the Jacob boat while Polo was all for team Edward.

Polo sent a smirk at Abril causing her to smirk back. The two were both well aware they were lucky it was a friday night or else they would be exhausted and would have a terrible hangover.


Once Abril had woken up snuggled into Polo's side she looked at her phone to see several messages from Lu, Alejandro, and one from Guzmán.  Abril than saw it was two in the afternoon causing her to lightly chuckle before climbing out of Polo's bed and taking his pair of slippers and making her way to the kitchen.

When she saw Polo's cook she gave her a small smile.

"Where is Andrea and Begoña?"

The cook shot the girl a small smile before getting up to stand in front of her, "They had to run a few errands but they told me to cook whatever you both please."

Abril just nodded before smiling, "Could I just have eggs and fruit? I have to head home shortly."

The older woman smiled before rushing to the kitchen to make the girl's food.

While Abril waited she grabbed a bag from the bathroom and threw her clothes from last night and took of Polo's shirt before and sliding on a red tank top she once also left there, leaving her in just nike shorts and a red tank top causing the girl to smirk at her appearance in Polo's mirror.

Once Abril finished her eggs and making sure she had everything the girl called for her driver. The girl decided to walk to a local grocery store to get picked up and to get some snacks. Once the girl grabbed cookies and grapes she got into her driver's car and read the messages.

She clicked Lu's contact first:

Get your ass to Guzmán's right now!

Where are you?

I swear if you cheat on Al with one of the scholarship kids I will kill you before Dad does.

Abril Josefina get home or to Guzmán's right now!

I'm going to kill you.

Abril just chuckled and rolled her eyes before opening Alejandro's:

Baby where are you?

Why did you let Guzmán ruin our night?

Please come back :(

Abril, you are scaring me.

Lu thinks you are cheating on me, where are you?

I'm starting to think you are cheating.

Abril, please text me.

Stop being a bitch and talk to me.

Abril's eyes widened at the last message and all of them. The girl had never seen her boyfriend get so insulting and it made her frown, he was also understanding and ever since the scholarship kids arrived his mood and behavior has changed very poorly. Abril than opened Guzmán's message with a glare, annoyed with all of their behaviors.

I'm sorry about what happened. Come back to my place your boyfriend and sister are worried sick, you aren't home so where are you?

Abril just rolled her eyes before shooting a text to Polo:

I went home but thank you for always being by my side. I love you!

Once Abril arrived home she was overwhelmed by her sister as soon as she got to her house.

"Where were you?" Lu consistently questioned her sister causing Abril's blood to fuel even more.

"I was with Polo."

Lu gasped, "You slept together?"

Abril nodded, "No, Lu! He is like my brother. When will you all get that through your thick fucking skulls!"

Lu just kept bothering her sister causing Abril to slam the door in Lu's face before rushing to her bathroom door and balcony door locking those as well.

Abril threw her phone across her room before turning on her tv and eating the snacks she had bought before sleep had taken over the girl yet again.

author note: hi, the ending is very bumpy but I am so sorry for the long break my mental health isn't the best and i've been focusing on me and making the best out of this strange summer quarantined but i hope everyone is safe and healthy! xo <3

 𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡 . ÉliteDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora