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Tobu - POV

I didn't know where i was. Everything was dark, there was no sound..

"It may be in your best interest to wake up now sir."

'Who the-' I was tied down.  

"You shall know me in time, sir."

That was creepy. I wonder why I needed to wake up though, I'm pretty sure I was awake- Right? I mean my eyes were open and I could hear the voice. Maybe a dream? No. This is too real to be a dream. I can feel the rope on my wrists and ankles..

"You're going to be late for school sir. You need to wake up now."

"Then tell me who you are."

"You will know in time" I heard a snapping sound. 


My eyes shot open. 'What was that?' I sighed and decided to get up for school. I was a little early waking up but it didn't matter.

I pulled on a binder and got into uniform, slipping on gloves that went to my elbows. I left my room and walked to class, sitting down and getting out my sketchpad, starting on little doodles for a warm-up. My classmates filed in slowly over the next few minutes, as i hummed to my music. No one spoke to me, no one seemed to see me- that was until the teacher walked in. He was older, probably late 50s at least, Shota Aizawa. He had been the homeroom teacher when my dad was in school, so it was definitely a surprise. 

"Grandpa?!" I turned to the blonde boy with the tired purple eyes

"Yes, Atsuka. Hello, problem children generation 2. I can and will call any one of your parents if you break the new rules, which are printed on the board." He sighed

I looked at the board reading through the two rules, that weren't in the handbook at least.

𝟷~ 𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚝𝚜 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚢.                                                𝟸~ 𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚔𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚎- 𝚢𝚎𝚜, 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚕𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏.

'Well dang. Those are simple.'

"Sensei?" A pale-skinned girl raised her hand

"Yes, little Iida?" "Uh- maybe we should say our names, and possibly our parents? I don't recognize some people here.."

Alright. I can get behind that..

"Sure. You in the front start, then just go through the rows. Say your quirks too." He pulled a bright yellow sleeping bag out of the podium-thing and got in, flopping to the ground with a soft thud.

"Oh ok well, My name is Justice Grey. I'm American so I'm very sorry if I pronounce any names or anything wrong!" He sounded scared "My parents are pros in America and my quirk is called Mist. Basically if I touch a non-living object with all five fingers it turns to a silver mist- hense the gloves." He looked to the girl next to him

"Oh is it my turn?" She asked happily and Justice nodded. She grinned. Most of what a lot of them said was useless, and all I picked up were names and some quirks.

 Kanako, heightened intelligence for her and others. Miu, cat-like features such as ears and a tail.  Hiroko, Earphone jacks. Daisuke, I didn't pay attention, but his last name is Uraraka. 

Now let me say this, my dad disappeared after my 'mom' died- with me of course, and everyone thought we both died with her. No one seemed to recognize me, which didn't surprise me whatsoever.

The boy next to me finished and I looked up slightly annoyed

"My name is Tobu (Literally translates to fly) Takami, my quirk is just bird wings made out of fire. My parents wouldn't be recognizable name-wise to any of you." I locked eyes with Aizawa

"Could you still say their names?" he sounded like he was about to fall asleep

"Touya and Keigo Takami." "Original last name for Touya?" "I don't know it." "Very well."

It continued until everyone had gone

Aizawa gave us a free day to meet each other and went to sleep. People got up to get to friends and make new ones, while I put my earbuds in and turned on a playlist of Alec Benjamin songs (check him out he's great) and started drawing.

"Hey, Takami right?" A girls voice rang next to my ear and I jumped slightly. "Yeah, uh.. I don't remember your name, sorry." I pulled my earbuds out turning off my music "Thanks fine! I'm Arisu Bakugo and this is my 'cousin' Daichi." She seemed proud of something, probably because her dad is Katsuki Bakugo, the #2 hero. "Nice to meet you.." I glanced away for a second to see a blue haired girl yelling at a boy... hanging from the ceiling? Bakugo followed my gazed and rolled her eyes "That's Hiroshi Shinso. He is the most obnoxious person you will ever meet- unless hes tired." He waved and dropped down striding over. 'I know him.. Don't I?' "Hey cutie!" He grinned "Who're ya talking to? He seems nervous." 

"Exhibit A." Bakugo sighed "Hiroshi, this is Takami, the wings guy from earlier." His eyes flashed with understanding "Oh! I remember you! You have the civilian parents, right?" That earned a smack on the arm from Daichi, whos last name I'd yet to learn. "That's rude. Just because his parents aren't pros doesn't mean you need to mention it!" He lowered his voice "It could be a touchy subject" 

"Its honestly fine, but my parents are far from civilians." I suppressed a laugh "My papa is a pro just like your parents." Bakugos eyes lit up "REALLY? Who?! I gotta know now!" I blinked. That was a new reaction. "Uh.. Hawks." I looked at my hands 'This is terrifying!' Then I heard chairs moving and looked up to see Bakugo, wide eyed with a notebook and a pencil at the ready. "What's it like living with him? I've heard a lot about him and his uh.. lifestyle." I sighed rubbing the back of neck and adjusting my position in the chair. "I actually.. don't know. I've lived with my Dad for my whole life. They split before I hatched for all of our safety." I looked up to see her gazing at me in confusion "What do you mean, hatched?" I froze. Whoops. "Ah, my papa.. uh.. laid an egg once. The result is in front of you. Kinda pathetic if you ask me, an entire egg for this." I chuckled slightly "Oh..-" "Have you ever met him? Or did you just grow up with your dad?" Hiroshi sat down in front of me, backwards. "I met him once. The day after I got my acceptance letter. Saying he was shocked would be an understatement. He seems like a chill guy." I shrugged "What about your parents? Whats it like having pros as actual parents?" Bakugo grinned


1136 words! Thats all for now though.  Kinda love and hate these characters tbh, but anyway. Peace out!

𝚅𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚗? - 𝙱𝙽𝙷𝙰 𝟸𝚗𝚍 𝚐𝚎𝚗Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora