Space is Soundless

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"Are you all bugging me?" asked Benny casually still rubbing his cheek. Sunny expression were unmoved with cold-looking face. "No! You should remember that I am the System operator. So, I am here on my daily check. And also the Commander asked us to check that if you were awake or not or else you will crash our ship. You should realize that you don't deserve this seat where you will be able to see the most astonishing things. And just some people are dying to be here."

Finally, the moment came that Benny was waiting for. 'Complete silence'. He was just about to think about the beauty of space that the cockpit door was again opened and this time it was Runny. He came inside with two packs of milk. Benny was cursing his luck in his mind and smiling on his face. But the Doctor was able to recognize his fake smile. He just sighed and went inside.

"Sorry on behalf of all our crew-members to break your silence again and again." He said humbly. And that was enough to melt Benny. Runny was just about the leave the cockpit after giving the milk carton and straw that Benny said "won't you accompany me for milk. This is not a solo thing." Runny smiled and fastened the seat-belt next to Benny. "Commander asked me to check on you," said Runny as he started to sip the milk. Silence fell in the cockpit for almost some moment and then Benny smiled and said "he still doesn't have faith in me". Then they both smiled and continued their gaze on the glass pane.

"You know that space is silent, there is no sound in space because sound wave needs a medium and space is a vacuum, this is why we use radio to communicate."

"I thought you were a doctor!"

"Yes I am a doctor! Is this a question? Don't I look like one?"

"No! not in that sense man, I mean baby. I meant that as you are a doctor, so, I thought that you wouldn't be that much interested in engineer's thing." Benny grinned.

"Well, its the love of space."

Then they both smiled as each other sipping the milk carton. 

Little did they knew that the disaster is yet to come.

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