Chapter 3

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3rd Pov. 

"Bloom I think you are going a little crazy right now and hallucinating. I think it was because of the unlocking spell you have been acting a bit off since then," said Stella. "Yeah an unlocking spell, a spell that unlocks things, like maybe memories of the past," Bloom said. "It can't be," Valtor mutered. Bloom sent him a small loving smile, one that he hasn't seen in a long time. The girls, still thinking that something is wrong with Bloom, cast a spell at her to knock her out while she was looking at Valtor. Bloom went limp and started to fall after the spell hit her. The girls flew towards the falling girl, catching her, then headed back to Alfea. 

A small time skip 

Once the girls got back to Alfea, they took Bloom to the infirmary. When they entered the room Miss Faragonda was there with Nurse Ofelia, waiting for them. "What happened?" asked Miss Faragonda. "Well...(she then goes on explaining what happens and their thoughts on what is happening) and all that brings us to here," said Flora. "Hm. If I find anything on this subject I will tell you girls," siad Miss Faragonda. 'I hope this has nothing to with the prophecy. If it is then we are all doomed. All hope will be lost and evil will be victor,' thought Miss Faragonda. The girls, Miss Faragonda, and Nurse Ofelia left the room to let Bloom rest, hoping that things will get better. 

A little while later

Still in 3rd Pov. 

Bloom awoken from her 'faint' in the infirmary at Alfea and sat up. She looked around a bit confused then the memories came back to her of what happened yesterday with her protecting Valtor. Then Bloom felt like something was pulling her. So she got up and walked out of the infirmary and down the hall a ways, till she stopped at a door. Feeling the pull was coming from there she opened the door and walked in. As Bloom went further into the 'room' she saw she walked into a big forest with snow all around. But what Bloom didn't know as she walked further in the door that she entered through closed to the world she once was in.


So what do you think? What did you like? Or dislike? I am so sorry that I have not written a chapter in a while but I have been trying to figure out what to do next and got wrapped up in High school(since it was my last year of it and this whole coronavirus thing messed up with this school year) and reading. I hope you have a wonderful day or night. Stay safe.

~ E.G.

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