Date Night

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Rafe looks over the water on the sound side as he drives us to the steak house.

He looks so concentrated, nervous even. He's being very quiet since we left the shops. I wonder what he's thinking.

"Are you doing okay over there?" I question, placing my hand on his knee.

"Yeah babe, just thinking, hoping the rest of the night is good."

"I'm sure it will be. Thank you for everything so far today. I've had so much fun with you." I say.

"I've had fun too. It's like a little day vacation, away from life, in a way." He says.

"Kinda, yeah." I say.

He turns up the radio dial, and sings a long to the song on his playlist, bumping his hand on the steering wheel to the beat. He takes his ball cap off his head, and puts it on my head, backwards, singing to me.

"Summer of 19, you and me..."

My whole face lit up, and blushed a little. I can't help but have the biggest smile on my face.

I grab my phone when Rafe looks away and concentrates back on the road.

Snap: kie
Snap: john b
Snap: jj
Snap: court!!
Holy crap, everyone's snapping me today.

I open Courtney's first. I miss her so much already. I wish she could've came with me. I hope I get to see her again, that's my biggest fear, is that I won't.

"Who ya texting?" Rafe asks.

"My best friend, Courtney, from back in Colorado." I say, "I miss her so much. I hope I end up seeing her soon."

"I'm sure you guys will figure something out." He says, "I'm sure that's hard on both of you."

"It kinda sucks, but we're both doing things that make us happy, I'm proud of her."

"You're such a sweetheart." Rafe comments, as I open the chat.

court!! : holy shit! you already got a man? you haven't dated anyone since Joey! and he's hot? i'm so jealous! i miss you!!!! and ps. that bikini makes ya look hot!

Me: thanks b! yeah, he's really good. I like him a lot. i hope maybe you can meet him one day. i miss you so much! <3

"She called us hot." I say laughing, thinking of how she would've said it in my head. She always knew how to make me laugh.

"Maybe you." He smiles.

I start to open my snap from JJ, I wonder what he wants. I haven't talked to him since last night, when he tried to pull the drunk kiss.

I end up opening John B and Kie's first:

john b : It looks like you guys are having a good time, i miss ya already! be safe, and don't do anything I wouldn't do! love ya!

ME: john b, i don't think there's anything you wouldn't do 😂 but we're having fun. I miss you too!

kie: damn girl 🤩 you're looking good! nice bikini! did you buy that?

ME: thanks kie! rafe bought it for me!

Alright, I guess i'll open JJ's...

jj: Hey, i don't remember anything that happened last night, but John B told me that you were kinda upset this morning. Whatever I did or said, i'm sorry. You look like you're having fun. the bikini is fucking awesome. Sorry i've been such a dick recently. You're a good friend Lanna. I should be happy for you.

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