Chapter 15: Never Enough.

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    "They're going to start speaking soon, and they can actually kind of understand us now, so you need to stop it with your potty mouth or so help me god I will throw a fit." I point at him, and he smiles, looking down to his girl.

    "Your mummy is very bossy." He whispers to her, and I roll my eyes. Picking up the plates, and the milk bottles, bringing it all to the table. I lift Grey from his seat, and look at Harry, tossing him the bottle of formula. Damn we're a good team....



    "Do you really think this is the best idea?" I ask her, as she leans over the bathroom counter, putting earrings on.

    "Well you are their father, and as much as I don't want to leave them it's only going to be until tomorrow so yes I'm positive. I have to do this, you know I do." She tells me, and she's right, she does have to do this. These are the final steps for her so she can launch her own brand, start her own business. It's something she had never known she always wanted, but that dream is coming true. She sat by me, designing for me, supporting me, following me around the world while I made music, it's only fair I sit by now, and support her.

    "What if something goes wrong?" I ask her, looking at the babies sitting on the bed, completely mesmerized by the TV in front of them.

    "I doubt anything will go wrong, but if it does my phone is going to be on at all times, just call me... Or if it goes really really wrong call your mom... I don't know, but you're smart, you'll figure it out okay?" She asks me. I've been alone with them plenty of times, and she's right I am their father of course, but I've never been alone with them this long. Neither has she even though I know she could handle it a lot better than me. "Harry you look like you're about to cry... Or run out of the house screaming. You're going to be fine, all they'll do is poop, and eat food, and sleep, and maybe cry for a little bit, but you always make them stop, not me.. Remember?" She asks, and I smile.

    "Yeah... Yeah I do do that." I nod, knowing she's right.

    "Alright I've got to go.. I love you so much." She comes straight to me, and I hold her hips, craning my neck up as she leans for a kiss. She breaks from me, and moves to the bed. "Hey you two.. Don't be hard to handle, be nice to your dad... Please don't make him call me every five minutes because you do something that scares him alright?" She bends down, kissing the tops of both of their heads, walking straight towards the bedroom door. "Call me if anything bad happens.. I have to go now or I will start crying." She informs me, and I know she's hardly been able to leave the two of them. God she's changed so much.. But god do I love her with everything i've got...

    I stay sitting on the bed, and look at the twins. Grace looks up with me, and I squint my eyes.

    "Why are you looking at me like that... Is there something wrong... Is that the something is wrong face?" I ask her, and she continues to stare at me. Oh no... She's upset, there's something wrong, there is totally something wrong. She holds her hands out for me, and I sigh out in relief. "Oh thank god, that's all you want." I move to her, lifting her up in my arms. I move back on the bed, sitting with my back against the headboard as I hold Grace in my arms.Grey lets himself lay down, leaning on me, and I smile, my nerves calming down. Perfect.. They're tired, they can go to bed. Take a little nap. That's what they need, a nap... Jesus I need El, I need her for more reasons than this one, but she just makes this so much easier for me...

    The twins took their little nap, and woke up with tears, and crying, and I panicked for a few minutes until I realized they would stop if I just talked to them, and held them. They're probably hungry too, and they drink formula now, just milk so I'm fine, I've got this. I fix the formula, and leave both of them sitting on their mat on the ground in the living room as usual as I stand in the kitchen. I heat the milk up, and once I'm done I take it out, and feel the bottle, unsure if it's too hot or not through the plastic container. She normally heats it up, not me, I just take the bottle and feed them when she hands it to me... So what does she do? I look at the bottle, and lift it to my lips tasting a bit, and I scrunch my face instantly. What the actual fuck? I shake it off, and take the other bottle in my hand. Perfect temperature.

Creator (book 3) - H.Sحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن