Chapter 4

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Oikawa Tooru

Why the hell should ushiwaka's girlfriend be my neighbour. I really have a terrible luck. The more I try to run away from the more they get closer. I really have a bad luck. Let's just hope I won't bump into Ushiwaka when he visits his girlfriend.

I groaned and jumped on my bed. As I was groaning  and rolling around my bed a knock on my door stopped me.

"Tooru Dinner's ready. Come and eat" I heard my mother say. I stood up on my feet and walked into the dining room .

Mom and dad were sitting on the table waiting for me. I took my seat and my eyes landed on the figure who sat right across me. Kozume Y/N. The hell is she doing here??

"Why are you here?" I asked her and didn't care if it came off rudely.

"I invited her. Stop being rude tooru" My mom glared at me.

"Do you like the food Kozume-chan?" My mom asked her as all of us started eating.

"Yes It's really delicious" She said and smiled at my mom. Damn that smile. Stop it Tooru!! You're getting off  track!!!!!

"So you live alone?" My mom asked her again.

"Ahh yes" She nodded and continued eating.

"Then come and have dinner with us everyday, I won't mind cooking for one more person. Besides I always end up cooking extra food anyways" My mom offered. My eyes widened. I have to see her everyday at dinner? No ways!!! Not a chance in hell.

"No it's alright. I don't want to burden you" She declined my mom's offer. At least she has some sense.

"It's no burden. I insist" My mother became persistent. 

"Mrs. Oikawa no offense but I came here from tokyo to be independent since everyone back home treated me as kid. If I come here everyday, It won't be that different from home so I hope you understand" She told my mom.

"Okay fine then, Just come over once a week? for my sake??" My mom said. Y/N hesitated but ended up giving in. She nodded and smiled at my more.  At least it's better than seeing her face everyday.

After dinner she helped my mom with dishes. She and my mom talked about stuffs while I went back in my room. I don't want be around her at all.

I was scrolling through instagram when my mom yelled my name. I sighed and walked out of my room.

"Tooru go drop Y/N-chan" My mom said and I rolled my eyes. She lives next door for god's sake.

"Mom she lives next door not in another block or anything" I told mom and she hit my head. 

"Be a gentleman that I raised and drop her" My mom glared. I had no choice but obey.

I walked her to next door and waited for her to get inside. "Good night Oikawa Senpai" She said as she opened the door of her apartment.

I didn't saw anything and walked back inside my apartment. 


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Next day after school We were practicing  volleyball when the door of the gym opened with a big bang. 

"Pardon the Intrusion" Yua shouted and walked inside.

"Oikawa Senpai, This is my form" She said and walked towards me.

"You can leave that in the club room" I told her and she nodded.

"You're the only one applying? What about Y/N-chan??" Hanamaki asked Yua.

"Ah! Yes I am the only one. I asked her to join together but apparently she isn't interested" Yua gave out a nervous grin. Not interested? As If I'd let her join.

"Yua-chan you can start being our manager from tomorrow" I said and Yua-chan's eye widened.

"Are you serious Senpai?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Thank you" She smiled. She then turned to the whole team and bowed before saying "Please take care of me. I am Nakamura Yua, Your new manager". The team welcomed her with claps.

"Watch us play for today" Iwa-chan told Yua and she nodded. She walked to the bleachers and we continued playing.

It was 6:55 when we decided to call it a day. "Since Yua-chan is our official manager; let's celebrate"Hanamaki said.

"No it's okay Senpai"She told makki but he shook his head.

"No it's not. I am hungry" He said and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Stop using poor Yua-chan as an excuse for your hunger Makki" I told him.

"Stop being like this. We all are hungry!! Let's go!!!! Oikawa" Makki whined and I gave in.

After having food, we all parted ways. Iwa-chan and I  at last parted ways and  I started walking walking towards my apartment.

As I reached the gate of the building I saw Y/N and Ushiwaka standing there. He patted her head and she smile. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I decided to ignore and walk away but Ushiwaka' stopped me.

"Oikawa?"  He said plainly but I could hear the mock in his tone.

"Ushiwaka" I gritted my teeth.

"You live here?" he asked.

"Yeah right next to your lover's apartment" I smirked trying to make him jealous. I wanted some kind of reaction but he never showed one.

"If you got nothing then I am going" I said and was about to walk away but the sentence that irks me the most left his mouth once again

"You should've come to Shiratorizawa" 

"Drop it ushiwaka no matter what I would've never came to same school as you" I said bitterly and walked away. 

"I'll see you tomorrow after school then Y/N" I heard wakatoshi said to his girlfriend as I walked towards the building.

I turned around to see if he was gone but the sight made me cringe and mad for no reason. He was holding her in his arms as he pressed her against his chest.  Dang it! why do I feel so mad .

Unexpected Love (Oikawa tooru x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now