1. Summer's beginning

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Dixie's Pov
"NO! YOU CAN'T TAKE HER! SHE'S MY SISTER!" I begged falling down to my knees.
"Let her go Dixie this isn't something you can control." One of the kids called out.
"Charli! I love you! Please just let me hug her one more time! I'm begging you!" I sob.
"Very well you have 5 minutes kid." The man said as he let me into the room my young sister was being kept in.
The door closed and I wiped my tears.
"Charli listen to me. You just turned 12 I know you're smart so take care of yourself. I hope you're new family is great to you. But please never forget me. I love you so much Charli!" I say giving her a gigantic bear hug.
"I love you too Dixie, I promise I'm gonna be fine. We'll find eachother some day. I'll never forget you, you'll always be in my heart. I love you so much." She says.
For the remainder of the time we just sat there hugging.
"It's time to go Dixie." The man says.
"Listen Charli I love you and I promise we're gonna find each other someday. Stay safe. Have a good life." I feel myself being dragged out of the room, by the man.
        "I LOVE YOU!" I yell as I'm pulled out of the room and brought back to the room where the rest of the kids are.
       "It's okay Dix, I know it's hard, but understand that she's gonna have a better chance at life now." My best friend says.
         Avani Gregg. 13 years old she had came in right before me when she was 12, while we had been here for a year we had become best friends, but one thing I knew for sure is that I never wanted to lose her.
       "I know it just hurts." I say.
       She pulls me into a hug as I just stood there and cried onto her shoulder.
        My parents had died in a house fire while me and Charli were at a friends house. I'll never stop blaming myself for not being there, maybe I could have changed something. But here I was 14 years old. Alone, no sister. Living in an orphanage.
         That's when I heard it. Charli yelling her final goodbyes to me.
       "BYE DIXIE I LOVE YOU!" She yells
I shoot up from my bed and look at the time, 7:30am. It was just a dream.
"You good Dix?" I turn to see avani rubbing the sleep of her eyes.
"Yeah, just a bad dream." I give her a weak smile.
"Charli?" She questions.
I nod my head.
"On the bright side school ended yesterday which means we can work full hours at the country club. Now it'll be easier to pay for the phone bill." She says.
Most of the younger kids didn't have phones, so they just meet with they're friends at school, but me and Avani had been fortunate enough to get jobs working at the country club. We had been working there for two years. Half time in the school year, and full time in the summer. With the job we had been able to provide our own clothes and phones. But the phone bill was always a pain in the ass to pay.
"Yeah, thank god its summer. I kinda miss working full time. Do you know what time Griffin is coming pick us up?" I asked.
She shook her head no and got up for the day.
Griffin Johnson. Tall, brunette haired, middle-high class white boy. His family had money but not the the Easterling / Lopez family. They were filthy rich. We met him at the country club one year with his family. He always gave us rides and last year her started to work there with us. He was a good guy and a great friend despite being annoying at times. He was of the only people who knew who we were, or our pasts.
      Since it was 7:30-ish I decided to get out of bed and get ready fo the day. I headed to the showers where I already heard to water running. I walked into the shower stall, and began to strip. I neatly put my uniform on the bench with my sleep clothes from last night. I then walked into the shower section and pull the curtains shut before starting the water. Once the water was warm I began to shower like normal.
       "So just a random dream?" Avani said from the stall next to mine.
       "It was like I was reliving the day she got adopted all over again." I say.
"I'm so sorry Dix, just think in august you'll turn 18 and be starting college and you can go try and find her. I can't believe you're leaving me."
"Hey! I'm not leaving you. I'll come visit frequently. You never know maybe someone will adopt you. And if they don't i promise to have a place where you and I can stay. Because that's how it's always been. Me and you against the world. It's always gonna be like that." I say in hopes of comforting her.
"Yeah, you're right. now let's hurry up because we can't be late." She says.
About 15 minutes later we both walk out in our Green polos and khaki pants. We walk to the sinks in the front and do simple things like brush our teeth and put our hair up.
I put my hair in a bun while Avani put her's in two braids. We walking out of the bathroom and picked our stuff up. Once we were done I had gotten a text from Griffin.
Griff😌✌🏻: I'm here losers, I'm waiting at the front desk with that one lady.
Me: yeah, yeah we're coming hold up.
I closed my phone. "Avani, Griffin is here, we gotta go."
She nods and we walk up to the front desk.
"Good morning Mrs. Doris!" Avani said cheerfully to the lady at the desk.
"Good morning girls, have a good day at work, and remember to-"
"Stay out of trouble." We all said at the same time.
"We always do." I say.
"That's a lie Dixie you're a wild kid I don't know what you're up to." She laughs.
I chuckle, "I promise to be on my best behavior." I put my right hand in the air as if taking some sort of pledge.
She nods and we exit the building.
"So ladies, you guys ready for summer?" He asks as we get in his car.
"Hell yeah, making money and they give us free food at the end of the day." Avani says excitedly.
"Yeah, I'm just sad that's its my last summer before college." I say.
"Don't worry I managed to do both you'll be fine Dixie, you have more work ethic than me. So if I was able to do it, this should be no problem for you at all. I have faith in you." He says.
"Thanks Griff, now let's head to work before we're late." He takes the car out of park and drives off.
      15 minutes later we were there. The car ride there was enjoyable since we were just listening to music and singing along.
"Well, it's go time boys." I say unbuckling my seatbelt and getting out of the car.
We walk into the main staff office to see where we'll be assigned to for today.
"Ah, you three thank god!" The manager says as we walk in.
"Dixie you'll be on the golf course today. You'll be assisting the Easterling / Lopez family. Don't screw up." She looks at me seriously.
"Yes ma'am." I say.
"Avani you'll have the pleasure of tending to the Monroe family, and Griffin you will be rushing out the drinks to poolside today." They both nod.
"Yes ma'am." He replies.
"My pleasure ma'am!" Avani says cheerfully.
"Now they're is some fruit in the kitchen set aside for staff so please help yourselves." we begin to walk off before the lady says something else. "Oh and welcome back guys. It's nice to have you all full time again." We smile and walk off to the kitchen.
       "Heyo!" I call as we walk in.
       "Good morning Dixie!" One of the other workers calls.
        "Kate?" I say confused.
"Yeah it's me!" She tosses me an apple.
"You was confused because you dyed your hair blonde, it suits you rather well though." I say taking a bite out of the fruit.
       Kate Tifford. She was the only other person to know about me and Vani. She's was a really sweet girl, but if you messed with her it wasn't going to be pretty. She was a regular middle-class kid, she went to our high school unlike Griffin who used to go to private school with Addison and most of the kids who's families come here. We played sports together and she was one of my best friends.
"What's up shorty." Griffin says walking over and messing with Kate's hair.
"i hate you." she says nonchalantly.
"no, you love me." he chuckles.
"no, she hates you." avani says.
i nod and take another bite of my apple.
"wow ladies, the summer just started and you already all hate me. it usually take the two of you till the last week of summer to be tired of me." he says acting fake hurt.
"Oh toughen up will you, no wonder i get more girls than you." i laugh.
The whole kitchen staff "oooooh"'s at my comment, causing the four of us to laugh out loud.
(laugh out loud😌)
"Come on guys we have work to do." Kate says throwing away the core of her apple.
We all head to our designated areas. I head over to the golf center just in time to see the family limo pull up.
These people were filthy rich. They were richer than anyone i've ever met.
"Good morning Mr. Lewis!" i say to with man trimming the bushes while walking over to the family.
"Good morning Mrs.Easterling, Mr.Lopez, and your entire family. My name is Dixie D'amelio and I will be your assistant today. Please feel free to ask me any questions."
Perfect. A perfectly executed sentence.
They just stand there in silence.
"Ok no questions, follow me this way to the golf carts." i say walking little ways forward.
"So it appears as if we're going to need to take two golf carts, one of you riding with me. is that okay?" I ask really not trying to screw up.
"No, there's no problem with that, Addison will ride in the cart with you." Mr.Lopez answers.
"Alright sir, let me go grab the keys and then we can get started with your match." i say walking into the building.
        "What do you need?" the worker behind the desk asks.
         "I need the keys to carts A3 and B2." I reply.
         "Here you go kid." The man hands me that keys and I walk back to the family.
        "Here you go Mr. Lopez. Addison would you please follow me this way." I hand him the the keys and wave for his daughter to follow me.
        I hear her sigh as we get on the golf cart.
        "What? Is golfing not you're type of thing." I ask.
        "I hate it, but what make it worse is that my boyfriend bailed on me." She says.
        "I'm sorry to here that miss."
        "It's fine, Bryce is always like this." She says.
       Bryce Hall. Asshole and biggest idiot I know. He's honestly really short for a dude. I think I'm taller than him I'm not even sure, but anyways he's and asshole. I didn't even know that they were dating. He's cheated on all of his previous girlfriends. He has a new one every summer.
        "Well, just try to have as much fun on the course as possible, we're gonna be here for a couple hours." I give her a small smile.
       "Yeah, I guess." She smiles back.
Avani's Pov
        The Monroe family, second richest family here under the the Easterling/Lopez family of course, but over all very nice people. They had a daughter named Madi, we were on fairly good terms she would always talk to me and give me good tips when I brought them they're stuff. They had and adopted daughter but she almost never came so I didn't know her name, although I knew that she had dark hair.
        "Avani!" I heard as I approached the family.
         "Hello, and good morning to you guys!" I said cheerfully.
        "See! This is why we requested her. She's nice!" Madi said.
        Oh, they requested me. Wow.
        "It's nice to see you guys!" I say.
        "You too!" Mrs. Monroe.
        That's when I noticed her, the dark haired beauty that never comes.
        "Oh, and this is our other daughter. Charli!" I froze for a second.
       I quickly shake off my thoughts and speak up. "Hi Charli, it's nice to meet you. I'm Avani Gregg." I extended my hand out.
        Her eyes go wide at my name, she remembers. She copies my head shake from earlier and takes my hand.
        "It's a pleasure to meet you." She says.
        "The pleasure is all mine ma'am."
       "Please call me Charli, I'm not one for the whole fancy thing." She says and true rest of us let out a small laugh.
"Sure, thing!" I give her a small smile.
"So, is there any specific thing that you guys would like to do?" I ask.
"Is the tennis court open?" Mr. Monroe asks nicely.
"Yes sir, it sure is. Follow me this way." I say walking off to the court.
3 hours later
Dixie's Pov
I had been on the gulf course for 4 hour and we were almost done.
"Ugh, why can't he answer his phone!" Addison groaned.
"Maybe just put it down for a while, we're almost done anyways." I say.
She sighs and puts down her phone.
       "You're right, and I'm sure he's just busy."
        "Yeah probably busy cheating on you, you're way to good for him Addison." I think to myself.
"Dixie!" I hear her mother call.
I give her a small smile and get out of the cart. "I'll be right back."
"We need a new ball Monty sunk his into the pond." She laughed lightly.
I join in on her small laugh. "Yes ma'am, I'll be right back."
I walk back to my cart and grab the bag from the back.
"Golf ball, golf ball, golf ball, where is it?" I say searching through the bag.
"Looking for one of these?" I look up to Addison holding the ball in her hand.
"Yes! Thank you for that." She drops it into my hand.
I walk back over to her parents.
"Here you go sir." I say handing him he ball.
"Thank you." He replies.
As I'm walking back I see her little brothers sitting in the other cart watching something on the older one's phone.
      "You and your brothers." I say sitting back down.
      "What?" She says confused.
      "You and your brothers, you're always on your phones. It's good to get a break from them every once and a while." I say.
      She stays silent. She looks like she's thinking.
       "I'm sorry Ms. Easterling I didn't mean to overstep my boundaries. My apologies." I say acting as professional as possible.
      She just nods and picks her phone back up.
       A few moments later my phone starts going off. I go to let it just ring out but think think, "What if it Mrs. Doris, she's required to have me and Avani's numbers incase of emergency. What if something happened?" I start to panic.
          "I know I'm at work, but can I please take this?" I ask the blonde haired girl sitting next to me.
         She nods and I walk away from the cart.
       I look to see Avani's name on my screen.
       "This better be good, you know who I'm with." I say.
       "OH MY GOD! DIXIE I HAVE  SOME MAJOR NEWS TO TELL YOU!" She yells through the phone.
       "Can this wait, we have lunch in a little bit and I'm about to head back that way." I say.
       "Ok thanks Vani, see you soon." I hang up and walk back.
        "AND ITS IN!" Mr. Lopez yells.
       Well if looks like he got the last hole. So now we can finally go in.
       "Now it's time to head back in, we need to eat lunch, and give this girl her lunch break." Sheri says.
        I smile and nod as we get back on the carts and drive to the golf center again.
Lunch break
      I walk into the break room and Avani bolts towards me.
      "Slow down let me grab my damn food first." I say.
       She nods and goes back to the table with Griffin and Kate sitting in either side of her.
       I grabbed my food and sat down.
     "So the two of you know about us, well we all know about Charli, right?" They nodded and she continued. "Well, I think I know who she got adopted by."
      "Avani, don't joke about this kinda stuff with me." I say.
      I miss my sister. I miss her more everyday, and I'm just waiting for the day I can see her again.
      "I'm not, so we all know the Monroe family have an adopted daughter that doesn't come here very often, well today she came. She has shoulder length dark brown hair and her name is Charli. When I introduced myself today to her, her eyes went wide at my name. I'm telling you Dix, it's her." She finishes.
         I say nothing. I'm shocked. I could see my sister after 3 almost 4 years.
      "That's great!" Kate says breaking the silence.
      I nod and begin to eat my food.
The end of the day
        Its 7:45pm.
       "Come on its time to leave!" Griffin says waving goodbye to the staff.
       "Bye guys see you tomorrow." Avani waves.
      "See you guys tomorrow, bye." I walk out of the building and straight into Griffin's car.
       We get ten minutes into our driveway and he finally asks a question. "So how was today for you guys?"
         "It was good, the Monroe family likes me so."
        "It was okay I guess, I was stuck on a golf cart with Addison Easterling for most of the day." I reply.
        "I heard she got a boyfriend." Avani says causing me to roll my eyes.
        "Don't even tell me about it. I know everything already. It's Bryce fucking Hall. The most annoying ass motherfucker to ever exist. Plus he cheats on all his girlfriends, she's just going to get played."
        "I'm gonna agree with you on this one Dixie. That kid is just bad news, I fucking hate him." He says.
        "Wow, i cant believe she would date someone like him." Avani replies.
         A few minutes later we pull up at the orphanage and open the doors to the car.
       "I'll see you guys tomorrow. Have a goodnight."
       "You too griff." I reply before opening the door to tre building and walking in.
       "Good evening ladies." Doris says.
      "Good evening Mrs. Doris." I say walking into the room me and Avani shared.
       What most people didn't understand is that this place was huge. There where other orphanages in the area, but this one was the biggest.
         It had 4 people in each room, but occasionally there was a room with only two beds, that's the one my and Avani had.
        "I'm going to sleep right after I change. I'm so tired it's not funny." I say to her.
        I strip off my clothes and throw them in our laundry basket.
      "Here, catch." I turn and get hit in the face with a ball of clothes
"Fuck you." I laugh.
I pull on the shirt and shorts she gave me. I climb in my bed and scroll on my phone for a couple hours.
I look up at the the clock in the corner of the screen. It reads 11:50pm. Oh shit I need to go to sleep. I turn my phone off.
"Avani." I call out.
"Hmm" she grumbles sleepily.
"Goodnight." I smile knowing she couldn't see it anyways, and then turn on my stomach and drift of to sleep.
And just like that summer began.
Word count: 3456
Anyways welcome to the new book. It really different from my other one, but I like the idea of it. So anyways I hope you guys enjoy this first chapter.

You're not supposed to love me (dixison) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ