The End

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"Smii7y! Rin!" I called running closer. As I approached I started to make out their faces. Smii7y was leaning over Rin and tears started to run down my face. Rin did not look good, but she was alive.  Before I could say anything, a police officer came and pulled Smii7y and I away from Rin as they started to help her.

"What happened, Smii7y?" I asked him. He was zoned out and couldn't look me in the eye.

"Drunk driver? Rin pushed me out of the way."

"Oh my god." Now Ann was with us, and officers started asking Smii7y questions.

Everything was a blur.


One month later, school was starting again. None of us had gone home, we all stayed with Rin who was recovering slowly. By time second semester started, we all begged her to stay home and rest, but she stubbornly refused. She still had some casts and scars, but she was definitely better. Smii7y felt so guilty for what had happened, and he became her number one helper, carrying her backpack to class for her, getting things around the house, and being an all around great friend.

Now Smii7y had nightmares too, but his were different than mine. Either way, we still helped eachother whenever we woke up in the middle of the night, and together we felt nothing but safe.

We both had our unique experiences, and our flaws, but we got through them together. We were not defined by what happened to us, but rather who we were, and who we were together.


Author's note:

Hey guys, I just wanted to say a few things about this story. I hope you enjoyed it, although I am not super happy with how it turned out, I had a fun time writing it. I also want to note that I completely respect Smii7y, and this story is purely fictional and not meant to reflect on him as a person at all, nor the experiences he has in the story.

I've been reading fanfiction for years, and a lot of the times I wonder why the main characters are together. Their relationship is usually deeply flawed with drama and they seem to find no happiness together. I wanted to write this story so I could write a healthy relationship, and have conflicts besides just problems between the main couple.

Obviously, my characters have some trauma and bad experiences, and if you struggle with any of the things mentioned, please reach out to someone and start to heal from it.

For everyone in a relationship, know that no matter what your significant other has been through, that does not give them an excuse to treat you badly. No relationship is going to be perfect, but all successful relationships are going to be healthly.

Also, if you're in a relationship, don't forget about your friends. I made the 3 friends in this story a big part because friends are so important to keep close to you.

Thanks again for reading, and I hope you enjoyed. :)

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