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a/n: if you have any requests pls pm me! or comment! also, I'm gonna try to put in some more drama in the next chapter. :)

The gang and I were all sitting in the basement bored out of our minds.

I then stood up and everyone looked over, "Guys we gotta get outta here man before I die of boredom man."

Hyde responded, "No shit, but what are we gonna do?"

"We should go on a road trip! How bout to Chicago? I mean it's not that far plus there is so much to do there unlike in point place. I mean its even fun to just cruise there." Donna pitched in.

"Wait, that's a really good idea." Eric agreed.

"Everyone down?" Donna asked.

I nodded and so did everyone else.


Everyone was in the vista cruiser on the way to Chicago while Eric was driving. Hyde, Kelso, Jackie, and I sat in the back. While Eric, Donna, and Fez sat in front. I was sitting on Hyde's lap since there was barely any room back here. But honestly, I wasn't complaining.

"Are we there yet?" Kelso groaned. "No Kelso," Eric replied. "Are we there now?" He asked again. "NO KELSO"  I shouted. "Well damn y/n you didn't have to yell," Kelso said taken back.

---------30 minutes later----------

"Finally we're here!" Donna said excitedly. Eric pulled over on the side of the street. Everyone got out of the car. "Dude we should walk to the lake and sit at the beach and get stoned as fuck," I suggested. Everyone looked around and nodded in agreement. We all started walking towards the lake. "Dude when I get older I am totally moving out here," I said in amusement of the city around us. "Really?" Donna asked. I replied, "Yea I mean its not that far from home, and its the city. Why be surrounded by rich white suburban kids? When I could live in the city?" Hyde nodded understanding. After about 20 minutes of walking, we found a kind of hidden beach with nobody there. All of us grabbed the towels and snacks out of the cruiser. As we were grabbing our stuff Kelso proposed an idea, "GUYS!" Everyone looked over to Kelso. "We should go skinny dipping," Michael suggested. "I'm down," I said and looked around to see everyone's reaction. Everyone agreed that it would be fun. Everyone started to take off their clothes until I paused and said, "Hold on. I need to be far from Eric though." Eric Responded. "Oh, yea that's fine we will just stay as far away as possible." At that point, Kelso wasn't even really listening so he had stripped and was running into the water. Jackie then went in. Then Eric. Then Donna. Then Me. Then finally Hyde. "Omg it's so cold," Donna exclaimed. "No shit," Hyde said. Donna looked over and splashed Hyde in the face. "Aye! Donna! You hit me too!" I yelled at her and Hyde and I splashed back. "Oh fuck off," Donna said. Eric then shouted to me, "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD Y/N TURN AROUND I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR BOOBS!" I quickly turned around so all he could see was my back since we were underwater. "Yea y/n face me," Hyde smirked. I scoffed and shook my head a little at his remark. After we were done skinny dipping we all got out and put our clothes back on. We then sat in a big circle all together on the sand. After about 15 minutes from hitting the joint we all we're stoned as hell. "Guys I have an AMAZING idea!" I said. "We should go find a 7 eleven a get a bunch of snacks I brought like 40 bucks." Everyone nodded in agreement and we got up to walk to the 7 eleven. It was only around 10:30 pm so everything was still open. I l lean over to Hyde and whisper, "Dude the city looks so much cooler while high." He slowly nodded in agreement while he was scanning the city. Then we finally arrived at the 7 eleven. I got 2 mango monsters and hot Cheetos, Eric got a cherry slushie and a twinkie, Hyde got beer, Kelso got a bouncy ball and chips, Donna got gummy worms and an iced tea, Jackie got Reese's pieces, and Fez got a baby ruth and a coke. Then we all walked back to the car and by that time the high was fading. We all sat in the same spots. I was drinking my monster while admiring the city as we left it. Hyde then whispered in my ear, "So you really want to live here when you're older?" I nodded yes while still looking out the window. He then whispered, "Well maybe we can live here together." I got so happy. I knew Hyde wasn't the type of person to say these things. I turned to him and smiled directly at him and kissed him on the cheek. I then whispered back, "Oh for sure are we living here together." We then smiled at each and both turned our heads to look at the city that we were gonna live in together one day. 


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