I bit my lip as my dad began to speak. I kind of zoned out because his speeches were always so long and I didn't want to have to listen to the whole thing.

"Alexis." My father said and I snapped up to look at him.

He motioned for me to step forward and I did exactly that I flashed the crowd a smile to try and hide my nerves.

"This is your new Queen, I expect you to treat her with the same respect you gave me, She will be a wonderful leader." He looked over at me and smiled. "Your Queen! Alexis Ally Ricci!"

The crowd erupted into cheers and claps while my mother placed a very heavy golden crown on my head. I gave my mother and father a hug before turning to the crowd and waving and smiling.

As I was skimming the crowd my eyes landed on a pair of pale blue ones. My heart stumbled as he winked at me. I felt my cheeks heat up but I ripped my eyes away from him and continued to stare at my people.

I couldn't believe that I was finally the ruler of the Italian Mafia, it all felt so surreal.

After the crowd dialed down music began to play and peopled coupled up to slow dance. My father and mother went off to the dance for while Allen complained that the music sucked.

I turned to Armando ready to ask him if he wanted to dance but he was already out on the floor with some random girl. I sighed as I turned to Allen.

"No." He said before walking off. He was such a loner.

"I'll like to dance with you." A voice said.

I turned to look at Noah and I glared at him "I don't dance with my enemies." I said.

"We are not enemies." He said as he wrapped his arm around my back before pulling me to his chest. He rose his hand and waited for me to place mine in his.

I debated if I should do it or not but I have in and placed my hand in his. He began to twirl and spin me around and I had to admit that he was a great dancer.

"You're quite beautiful." He said as he spun me to his chest again.

"You're quite ugly," I said sounding like a stubborn child.

"Why so hostile?" He asked as he brought his lips to my ear.

Goosebumps rose along my skin and I quickly spun away from him and released his hand from mine.

"I don't like to play mind games," I said to him.

He laughed and was ready to pull me back in but I smacked his hand away from me. He looked a little surprised but he took a step back and smirked.

"So stubborn." He said his accent was so thick it had my legs shaking slightly.

I didn't like the way my body was reacting to him so I turned to get away from him and was ready to walk away but he placed his hand on my waist.

"Do you value your life?" I snapped as I swatted his hand away.

He laughed at me but I was serious, I was itching to punch him in the face but I was trying so hard to be on my best behavior only for my father's sake.

"I don't know. Do I?" He stepped towards me once again, I felt as though he was suffocating me so I garbed his arm and twisted behind his back.

His face twisted in pain but he didn't make a sound. "Listen to me, As I said before, you are my enemy and I won't hesitate to kill you if given the chance."

"Enemies can become lovers." He stated.

I was so irritated with him but I let go of his arm and stormed off. No one has ever gotten under my skin like that and I only have known him for a couple of minutes and here I was all flustered.

I walked right up to my father and mother and they both looked at me confused.

"Let's cut the party short, I want to know what the hell the Russians want," I said.

My father went to say something but I gave him and look and he decide against it.

"Fine." He said while sighing.


My father ended the party early per my request and now we were currently sitting in the meeting room at the long table.

My father sent Allen out of the room but he couldn't seem to care less as he left. I was seated beside Armando because he was the only person that kept me from losing my cool. My mother was next to Armando and on the other side and next to her was my father.

Across from us were three men. One was the one I had already met and of course, he had chosen to send directly across from me. Next to him were two older men. One with brown hair and blue eyes and the other with grey eyes and blonde hair.

"What is it that you want?" I said as I sat up in my seat.

Armando elbowed my side but I Ignored him. I hated when people beat around the bush I liked to get straight to the point.

"We are here for a truce." The one with grey eyes said.

"Truce?" My father said as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yes, a truce our sides have been fighting against each other for far too long, we think it would be better if we worked together, imagine how unstoppable we would be." Grey eyes explained.

I looked over at Noah and he was just simply staring back at me.

"Why now?" My father asked.

"Because, my son here is soon going to take over the Russian Mafia as your daughter had taken over yours, he's the one that came up with this idea."

"Why?" I said now as I looked at Noah waiting for him to respond.

"Because the feud isn't between you and me, I see no reason as to why we have to continue it."

I went to say something but Armando squeezed my hand four times and I sat back in my seat and took a deep breath.

"I would also like to take your daughter out on a date. To discuss business between the two of us."

"Date?" Armando and my father said at the same time.

I looked at Noah but he was smiling "Yes, only to discuss business."

I looked over at my dad whose face had completely chance into an expression that I couldn't read.

"That is up to her." He finally said as he leaned back into his seat.

I bit my lip and looked up at Noah. If I said no then this could all end so terribly and if something bad was to happen during our "date" I could defend myself well enough to handle it.

"Okay, I'll go on your date, but it has to be in a public area," I said as I sat up in my seat.

"Of course, anything you wish," Noah said.

I was itching to slap that smirk off his face but I didn't that wouldn't be very nice not that I cared if it was nice or not.

"Well that is all we came here for, we look forward to doing business with you." Noah's dad said before standing up.

The other two stood up and Noah winked at me before exiting the room. I felt my cheeks heat up as I rushed after him.

"Noah," I called and he turned to look at me.

"Yes?" He asked.

"If this is some kind of setup of any sort, I won't hesitate to kill you and your whole family."

He smirked "Your guard is always up, let it down once and a while, then you won't be so uptight." He said before walking away.

I balled my fist up as I watched his figure retreat. I was pissed but yet I was intrigued and I had to admit he was good at mind games but I was the queen of them and if he wanted to play....we could play.

AHHH! Chapter two! I Love Alexi's personality so much that its like a good mix between her mother and her father. Anyways I love you guys so much thank you all for being such loyal readers! Don't forget to comment, like, and vote. Until next time my lovelies!

His Desiderio|✔️(editing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz