Chapter 4| old and new scars

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Izuku's pov
I woke up to Tenko picking me up, I wrapped my arms and legs around him instinctively as I hid my face in his chest, I felt him kiss the top of my head as he started walking in the direction of home.

As we approached the door no words had been spoken, not one. I slightly let go only for him to tighten his grip on me. I looked up at him and glared. He sighed and let go, as I opened the house door he walked inside with me.

"Why are you coming inside?" I asked with a venom tone, he looked at me sadly for a couple seconds before saying he had to talk to mamaguri. I rolled my eyes and went to my room. Slamming the door.

Tenko's pov
As I heard his door slam I knocked on Kuroguri's study door, he opened the door and immediately sighed.

"What did you do this time?" I looked down and proceeded to tell him what happened, leaving out what had happened to Izuku with that man. It was his choice if he wanted to tell them or not. Kuroguri was mad.

"Why the hell would you say that?! Izuku was one of the only people who supported you in your life and you treat him like that!" I looked up at him, he was glaring straight into my soul, I wasn't surprised by what he said next.

"Get the hell out of my house! I don't ever want to see you near my child again!" I silently nodded as I walked out of the house with tears in my eyes. I know I messed up, truth is I was being bullied at UA.. it wasn't as great as I thought it would be. I was just trying to fit in with the other kids in my grade and lost my only friend for it...

(Abuse warning!)

I walked inside my house and was immediately grabbed by my hair.

"Why the hell are you home so late?!" I heard my 'father' yell as he slammed my face into the wall, I kept trying to respond but was stopped with a punch to the face and a burning sting. I looked at my father but I could only see him with one eye. He immediately dropped me as he saw what he had done and I took that opportunity to run out of the house.

(Abuse over, his face was scratched because he was punched with keys. He now has a scar kinda like Kirishima's but it goes all the way down his face.)

I kept running until I was at the garbage beach, it least, that's what everyone else called it. I took out my phone and looked at the time. 9:40 pm? Damn it! I can't go to Izuku's place because of what happened earlier, I can't go back home because I'm even more late! I was about to just take out my headphones and start listening to music when a heard a gruff voice call out

"Problem child?" I turned around and immediately regretted it, of course it was Aizawa, why wouldn't it be? His eyes widened as he saw my face, he ran over to me with flash like speed and cupped my face, examining the damage my father did.

"Kid, who the hell did this to you?" I wanted to run away and hide, never show my face at UA again. He doesn't really care.. no one does. I stayed silent and looked down at the ground, he sighed as he grabbed me by the arm and started dragging me to a car. I should've panicked but.. I didn't, I felt safe for the first time in my life and eventually just relaxed against his grip. He motioned for me to get in the car and I did, not wanting to piss him off.

The car ride to his house was quiet, too quiet. I'm not normally one for talking but this was just dead silence, the only sounds were cars driving past and the AC blowing, making goosebumps over my pale skin. As I got out of the car I noticed a second one in the driveway, he seemed to have noticed as well and sighed as he turned to me.

"I'm gonna go in first so my husband doesn't scream at you, then I'm going to clean the nasty cut on your face. You will be staying the night. I don't care what you say. Got it?" I gulped and nodded as we walked through the dark oak doors. I immediately saw my English teacher Present Mic sitting on the couch watching a movie with a kid whom had lavender hair, looked to be the same age as Izuku.

I accidentally stepped on a part of the floor that made a loud creek, both of their heads snapped towards Aizawa and I, Yamada immediately got off the couch and speed walked towards me and examined my face with a worried expression on his face.

"I'll take him to the guest room and clean that cut, we're going to talk about this later Shota." Yamada said as he lightly grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the guest room.

"Sit." He said strictly as he pointed to the queen sized bed, I sat down as he turned the lights on and grabbed the first aid kit from the bathroom. He pulled a chair and started cleaning the cut. I winced at the sting of the disinfectant. He immediately pulled the away while looking at me with worry.

"Sorry, it's only going to sting for a little longer, then it'll be done and we can have ice cream!" He said in a sad yet cheerful tone, I took a deep breath and nodded as the stinging started again.

After he was done he pulled me into a hug, I became stiff, I'm not used to hugs like this, especially after what happened with 'father' I hesitantly wrapped my arms around him and silently cried into his shoulder, we stayed like that for quite awhile, to the point where I had fallen asleep on his shoulder.

Aizawa's pov
They've been in there for an hour, Hitoshi's already in bed, I slowly and quietly approached the door before quietly turning the handle. As I opened the door my heart melted. Hisashi (Hizashi? One of those is present mic and the other is Izuku's canon dad and I'm too lazy to look it up) was holding Tenko in a tight embrace while stroking his hair as he rocked them back and forth slowly. I walked up to the pair and carefully detached Tenko from Hisashi, tucking him in like I used to do with Hitoshi before being dragged out of the guest room into mine and hisashi's. Before he could say anything I interrupted him.

"Hisashi/Shota, Let's adopt him."

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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