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"  Lord kakarot the are currently 1000 parademons , the furies and Darksied himself alongside his other fighters you have 1 minute to defeat and or kill them " says the angel this shocked most of those who heard and thought that these people are crazy no one can do that in under a minute

" ok Kansei " he says and his silver eyes glow a bit soon all the parademons  started to glow before disappearing  which confused all of the heroes and the villains  one minute the demons were all over the place and the next they started glowing and disappeared

To the man now known as kakarot takes a single step and all around the battle field Darksied's men fell to the ground some flew and crashed to buildings and fell dead and some just fell to the ground

Only 15 seconds pasted and the god reappeared  on the same spot he was in. The attackes were a blur to everyone even to speedstars all they saw was him move from one point to another as if he was teleporting

All that  was left of Darksieds army was the Furies, Granny Goodness and Darksied who all move to stand behind their god.Kakarot looked at his angel for a moment and she said " 40 seconds left "

The God of destruction disappeared  and only appeard for a breif second  with his fist buried on Big Barda's stomach and again disappeared  only to find his foot on stompas head making her crash to the ground and Gilotina tried to punch him when he appeared in front of her only to have her fist connact with his palm "Your strong *smiles* good " soon the new god was uppercut and sent to the ground and all the furies fell one by one and in a span of 10 seconds they were down either  unconscious or to hurt to move

"30 seconds " says kansei and the saiyan god stood in front of Darksied  who was shocked beyond belief  and he wasn't the only one  the entire Justice league  had their jaws on the ground

Kakarot disappeared  and appeared with a flying  kick that connacted with Darksieds  face with enough force to shatter his jaw and nose while being sent flying

he remains in the same spot that Darksied  was in and looked to the ground as saw the barely conscious Diana and places his hand on her chest above her breast and a moment later she was completely  healed she looked into the dreamy  silver eyes that stared into her soul but frowned when his heat that rediated of him felt her as he stood up and turned to where Darksied  was standing a obviously  hurt

"15 seconds "

His eyes narrowed  all so slightly before he took of in light speed and in the span of 5 seconds he already delivered 2000 punches all over the new gods body all of them were bone shattering and her formed a small white orb on the palm of his hand and fired in on Darksieds  chest and the sounds of pure agony where heard and soon the was a badly burned Darksieds who fell face first to the ground in a thud in the inch of death

" you survived .... im impressed " says kakarot with a small smile was became extremely  rare to find on his face in the last 13.8 BILLION  years as he extended his palm and ready to kill him

" DON'T " was heard as superman who had regained some of his strength flew at breakneck  speeds and tackled  the saiyan god before he could finish the ruler of apokolips

" 0 seconds left " says Kansei looking at the battle field as saw all of the forces of Darksied  and Darksied  himself  on the ground

Kakarot was on the ground  and Superman  was standing over him suddenly and extended  his hand to help tge saiyan stand up but was quickly slapped away  and stood on his own

He walked towards his teacher without giving  a second glance to his the looks of awe he was getting some even looks of terror

" you did great kakarot " says Kansei hugging the Saiyan god and broke the embrace soon after. "Thanks i had a good teacher " says kakarot rubbing the back of his head and took a look at the destruction  caused by Darksied 

" Kansei can you restore this place to thw way it was before all of this  ?" Asks Kakarot the angel only nods before tapping her staff on the ground and all the damage, deaths and destruction was reversed

The justice  league  was at awe at he miracles done by these people and they couldn't be more happy apart from the ever paranoid batman

The main members consisting  of superman , batman , Green lantern,
martian manhunter, Flash , Wonder  woman  and Hawkgirl approach them and hope that this was he was on their side

"I would like to thank you in behalf of the justice league for your help " says Superman extending  his hand for a hand shake and was met by silance and a stare and that quickly became awkward for the kryptonian and lowers it

"I wasn't helping you he was just in the way of my plans " says Kakarot "and what are they ? " asks Batman walking forward giving the saiyan one of his famous  bat-glars "non of your business " as he turns and walks towards his angel who was smiling

But stopped  when the batman grabbed  his shoulder " your coming with us " says the dark knight " no but i will tell you this people like you are the last thing that this universe  needs you act like heroes but your actions put alot of people at risk and i can't have that "as he removes the hand and walks to his angel

"WAIT " shouts Diana and Kakarot turns looks at her " I am Diana Prince princess of the Amazons you saved my life and i am in your debt" she says bowing slightly

"It is an honour  to  meet you princess Diana and I'm  glad to see that the are atleast capable worries in this team but a word of advice Diana your impotance during battle will be your down fall " He said this time he looks at his teacher

"Kansei can you seal the Furies on that staff of yours I have a task for them " says Kakarot and his angel taps the staff and the beaten form of the Furies where all sucked into the orb

" NEXT STOP  THEMYSCIRA " shouts Kansei and she along with Kakarot disappeared  the same way they came

A boom tube opened up and an army of new genesis soldiers came out and the son of Darksied  Orian was leading them but were confused when they saw the undamaged streets of Metropolis  and darksied's men pilled up

"What happened  I  thought Darksied  was here " says Orian and the Justice  league  only pointed  at the beaten  form of Darksied  on the ground "take them we have to go " says Superman before being  teleported away

Till next time hope you like it
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GOKU : DC'S GOD OF DESTRUCTION Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin