Penny choked on her food, and was coughing for a little bit, but when she was done, like Kid Flash said her face went as red as a fire hydrant. Ned did nothing but laugh.  

Some friend right???

Naw, she probably would have laughed if they were talking about Ned. 


Dinner was a fun time, but afterwards Penny dragged Ned back up to her room, and she tried to forget what was said. Instead of working on their project for a little while, they decided to just talk. They talked about anything and everything, though mostly the topic was on the field trip their were having the next day. 

Ned plans on wearing his Justice league shirt under his bright yellow field trip blazer, along with a Wonder Woman hat, because and I quote, "At least I have my priorities straight, I mean Wonder Woman IS the best."

Their conversation was only stopped when Ned's 8pm alarm went off. He had set it because his mother told him to be home before 9, so an 8pm alarm is good so he at least an hour to get home. 

"Well, that's my que to start heading home."

"Ok, well lets go tell Alfred, he said that he'd drive you home. Something about how young adults shouldn't be walking around alone at night in the dark in Gotham. I can't blame him though, I wouldn't want anything to happen to you either."

"Awe, that's so nice. nd, yeah I agree with him too, I wouldn't want anything to happen to me either. I mean this city sucks..."

The two of them laughed and headed down the hallway and then down the stairs. They talked a little bit about the project and when the next good time they could meet would be. Then they found Alfred in the kitchen.

"Hey Alfred, Ned has to go home."

He turned to look at the pair, "I was wondering when that was going to be, I was beginning to think Mr. Leeds was going spend the night."

Penny and Ned laughed at this comment.

"Well, Mr. Leeds, let's get you home."

Alfred walked with them to the front door and led him to the car. Penny still had a little bit of homework, and her and Ned agreed that it would be best if she stayed back to finish it. So standing at the door Penny yelled goodbye to him and said that she'd see him tomorrow. 

She's got to admit it, she's excited to see Ned's hat. 

When they drove off, Penny went inside and closed the door behind her. She walked back to the stairs but was stopped by Kid Flash. He looked a little nervous, and Penny could hear the rest of the team hiding around the corner, obviously watching the pair. Obviously she wasn't supposed to know that they were there, so she stayed quiet and turned her full attention towards Kid Flash... well almost all of it. Part of her was trying to listen in on what they were saying but, she needs to hear what Kid Flash is saying to her so she doesn't seem like an ass to the boy trying to talk to her about something, something that the rest of the team and even the Wayne boys wanted to hear.

"Hey, um, Penny? Can I talk to you for a second? Uh... please?"

Wow, he's really nervous.

"Yeah, of course. What do you want to talk about?"

Penny gives him a smile, she doesn't really want him to be nervous around her, especially not if he's trying to talk to her. The smile works! Kid Flash relaxed a little, seeing the smile gives him a little more confidence in what he's being forced to say to her. Of course he genuinely means what he's going to say, but the team is forcing him to say it. I mean they're watching him to make sure he actually say it.

"Well, I want to apologize for what I said at dinner. I didn't mean to embarrass you, or make you upset in any way. I just thought it was funny, and you know sometimes I don't really think before the words come out of my mouth... I guess that's why they call be a blabber mouth, or was it motormouth..."

"Kid Flash!"

He stops talking, thinking that maybe she's mad at him, but all she sees is her, trying not to laugh. Penny smiles at him once more.

"It's ok, I accept your apology. I mean you were right, I do have a crush on that boy, and I had totally made a fool out of myself. The only reason I didn't say anything about it is because I'm pretty sure Jason and Damien want to kill him... And you know I don't really want that to happen because I like really like this boy..." She paused and took a deep breath before chuckling. "Sorry, now I'm the blabber mouth... Just, I accept your apology, and the thing is I wasn't really offended or upset by it in the first place. Also the term in your case would be motormouth since you talk quickly and incessantly."

Kid Flash chuckles and smiles at her, "Ok, good. I just you know felt bad afterwards."

"It's ok. Now, um, if you don't mind I have a little bit of homework left... so could you tell your friends and the boys that they can stop listening to our conversation and do something else? Please?"

Kid flash laughs once more, "Yeah! Course! Have a good night!"

"You too!"

The Young Justice and the boys were very surprised to hear that Penny knew the whole time that they were listening to their conversation. The Young justice also found it surprising to see the Wayne boys with them and listening with them. When they had gotten there to listen, the Wayne boys weren't with them, and they had no idea that they joined. 

All of them thought the same thing, "What is with their family and how do they do these things?"

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