𝟬𝟭𝟭 the melancholy blues

Start from the beginning

     "What did JJ do?" Nova interrogated further, sounding almost worried for the blond boy.

     "The cops found out about what I did to Topper's boat." Pope announced, glancing over at the blonde. Nova's breath hitched, dreading the worse. Except she shouldn't be all that surprised. The Thornton's would have used all the money humanely possible to prove someone had tampered with the boat, so to hear the boy's got caught shouldn't have come as a shock. "When they came to arrest me this morning, JJ took the blame and the cops took him instead. Juno's just worried, like the rest of us. JJ did tell you about his dad, right?" The boy elaborated, his words making Nova fear for JJ and his safety.

     Of course, Nova knew all about Luke Maybank and what horrors he inflicted on his own son. Nova was aware of how violent the man could be towards JJ in the midst of his drunken rage, and would often see JJ with a fresh bruises dotted across his sun kissed skin whenever they crossed paths over the years. The whole island knew how cruel and spiteful Luke Maybank could be towards his flesh and blood, but no one talked about it, or did anything to help because no one tends to care about a poor unfortunate soul from The Cut.

It reminded Nova of something her father once said when Riley and him were in the middle of a heated argument about The Cut needing power after another violent storm, and that he had the money to provide that.

And Ethan Van Kirk simply told him ignorance was bliss.

However, Nova knew that just because the entirety of Figure Eight were ignorant to the less fortunate living on the south side, it didn't mean she ever was. She always felt pity for JJ when she found out what kind of person his father was, and whenever she saw him covered in fresh cuts and bruises, Nova wanted to approach him and offer to help clean him up. But she never did because they didn't even know each other back then, and she thought it would be weird for them to associate with each other back then.

But things between Nova and JJ had changed drastically over the past week, and now, she cared about the boy more than she cared to admit. The very thought of him being punished by his father for getting himself thrown into jail left a feeling of disgust and overwhelming worry to erupt in her veins, the girl's stomach churning whilst she continued to dwell on the frightening thought. She just hoped he was okay.

     And it seemed that both Kiara and Pope had noticed the worry plastered across Nova's face, causing for Kiara to gently nudge the blonde, snapping Nova back to reality as she turned her head to glance at the Carrera girl. "JJ will be fine. He can take care of himself. He's done it many times before and he's not going to stop now." She reassured her, despite feeling a twinge of worry for the Maybank boy herself.

     Suddenly, a chorus of cheers was more than enough to catch Nova's attention, the girl staring ahead to see the Cameron family had made their grand entrance. At first, her eyes focused on Rafe who wore his bright blue suit with pride as he entered alongside the rest of his family. The sight of her ex boyfriend in all his glory was enough to make Nova release a shaky breath past her lips, before she shook her head and allowed her attention over to Sarah Cameron, the blonde girl wearing a simple, yet, beautiful white dress, a flower crown placed on her head whilst she entered the party.

     Seeing the girl again was enough to remind Nova Van Kirk that she had a lot of making up to do, especially after the hateful words she spat at the blonde beauty in the midst of her intoxicated state a few nights before.

     Nova sighed, staring down at the champagne glass in her hand. "Well, I should head back to the party. There's a long list of people I need to apologise to." She informed the pair.

     "Sarah Cameron?" Kiara scoffed, an amused expression washing over her face whilst she continued shaking her head. "Whatever apology you think you owe her probably isn't worth it."

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