The Crazy Ten Minutes Sale

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Macy clothing👆

The four children Russo were learning a duplication spell from their father Jerry. The second oldest Alex was on her phone when Max and Macy the youngest twins were taking notes as Justin the oldest demonstrate the spell

"Edgebono utoosis"

then another rabbit in the cage magically appear

"Yeah Justin" clapped happily Macy for her big brother

"Good thank you Justin. This is how you execute that duplication spell properly real rabbit duplicate Rab..... No duplicate Rab no duplicate rabbit real... It's... Anyways we got two rabbits now" their dad said confused

"What's the big deal? They're rabbits. Wait 5 minutes and they'll duplicate by themselves."

"Um I don't think that's how it works does it daddy" asked the youngest confused

"No Macy and remember as in with any spell if you don't concentrate it doesn't come out rigth" he told them as he points to the white board but then the rabbit barks like a dog which Macy giggles

"Cool. I've always wanted a guard rabbit. You know, scare off the mailman." Alex joked dad looked at Justin

"I was thinking about dogs when I cast the spell."

"Now, are there any questions about the spell?" Justin raised his hand

"Anyone who doesn't look like they're about to wreck their pants?" Macy raised her hand

"Yes Macy"

"Can we keep the barky bunny one"

"Macy that's not a magic question" Macy walks over and gets the one bunny that's barks

"Please daddy i promise I'll take of it please please" she pouts


"Yeah thank you" she hugs and kissed his cheek Jerry smiles

"The Crazy Ten-Minute Sale!" Said Alex excited 

"The crazy what?"

"Every year this cool clothing store, Suburban Outfitters, has this crazy sale for ten minutes where they practically give stuff away"

"Boop boop"

"What are you doing?"

"Fast-forwarding to the part where this sale is more important than the magic lesson."

"Well, Gigi's gonna be there." 

"Who's Gigi?"

"Don't you remember? My enemy since kindergarten, when she spilled juice on my mat during nap time and told everyone I had an accident."

"This is fascinating. Tell me more." Macy knew that was him being sarcastic

"Well, I'm sick of Gigi. She's always rubbing stuff in my face. The point is, I'm tired of her always showing me up at school. Can I please skip class on Thursday to go to the sale?"

the youngest RussoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora