The Framed Pictures

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Kit woke up. He was tired, he heard his phone ringing, he answered.

 He was tired, he heard his phone ringing, he answered

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Plo Koon was calling him. "Hello Fisto." Plo said. "Hi Plo" Kit said, "The jedi council are facetiming at 1 o'clock, I thought i'd let you know." Plo said, "Thanks Plo!" Kit said, "No problem." Plo Koon said, Plo Koon hanged up.

1 O'Clock

Kit joined the face time. Only Plo Koon, Yoda, Even Piell, Adi Gallia and Agen Kolar were online.

 Only Plo Koon, Yoda, Even Piell, Adi Gallia and Agen Kolar were online

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Plo saw Kit's framed pictures, he realised he was on one picture. He didn't mind, Agen also saw the pictures, and also did not mind. Kit realised, no one had a picture of him. 

Kit decided, he would much like if Plo had a picture of him, Kit disconnected, and changed all his pictures

Kit decided, he would much like if Plo had a picture of him, Kit disconnected, and changed all his pictures

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Plo Koon knocked on Kit's door. Kit answered. Plo saw all the pictures, "Hello Plo" Kit said, "Oh, hello Fisto. Uh, Master Yoda wanted to speak with you." Plo said,"Ok" Kit said quickly, Kit ran to Yoda. Plo didn't even remember when he took some of the pictures. 


"Rewarded you are, have a cookie you must." Yoda said and handed Kit a cookie, "Thank you Master Yoda," Kit said, Kit took the cookie. He returned to his room, he sensed Plo had changed one of his pictures to Kit, Kit was happy.

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