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Jaspers POV

I walked out of the man cave, I was so angry how could they not want to be friends they lied to me. I just wish I could go in there and strangle them both but I'd probably get stopped by Ray.
I'm so jealous of their friendship, they always spend time with each other and never me.

By now I had been walking for 5 minutes, I looked back to see Ray and Schwoz running after me.

"Jasper stop we need to talk to you!" Ray shouted from behind me.

"Are you ok?" Schwoz called after.

They eventually caught up to me so I turned to face them.

"What?" I said with an angry tone

" Chill we just wanna know why you said all that mean stuff before you left."

"What mean stuff?"

"You know when you said ' I wish they died, they always leave me out why can't they be run over by a bus or get stabbed and drown in their own blood' that mean stuff." Schwoz said

I looked down in shame. I didn't realise I said those things...

"Because I wanted to, I regret it now but I have so many problems I guess I just took it out on them."

"Or maybe you have a crush on Charlotte?" Ray suggested.

"What?! No why would I have a crush on Char?" I said looking up to them.

"I don't know but you wouldn't have a crush on Henry."

I turned to look at the floor again, I didn't want to make it obvious so I said, "maybe I don't have a crush on any of them...or maybe I do have a little crush on Char."

They smirked and we walked back to Junk n stuff.

Sorry this chapter is so short and sorry I haven't updated in a while I have a lot of school work to do and I needed to take some time off bc of the blm since I am part of the black community everything that is happening hurts to hear and see I just needed time to myself.🙃

Jaspers Revenge Where stories live. Discover now