He Saved Me??

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A/N this is going to be a long chapter. I'm combining three parts from TikTok into one chapter here. It is also important that I explain your quirk before this chapter. Your quirk is called Molecular Arrangement. This is the ability to change the way molecules are placed. This means you can change one thing to another shape, but you are unable to change the material. You can also use your quirk on people. In a sense you could change someone's molecules so they explode or you can restore molecules in a body. This can come in handy when it comes to dodging things. Your quirk requires physical contact and overuse of it can result in a change in your molecular balance. This could change your appearance or kill you.

Your POV

As I ran and screamed for help I couldn't help but hear the faint sound of a familiar voice. I looked as I was being chased, oh no. It's the blonde from earlier, and he's running right at me! NO NO NO NO NO! Please don't tell me he's with her! I start to run away when he says:

"Don't worry I've got you!"

I'm dumbfounded, h-he actually wants to help me...to save..me? This can't be right, there's no way. No one is ever nice to me, I always have to do everything myself, why would he try to save me! Even after I screamed and ran from him before! My head is spinning with thoughts as I stumble backwards away from the two blondes. The female still seems to be watching me but I don't care. This just doesn't seem right.

Denki's POV

I can't believe it. I picked a fight with the people who are after me. This could end really badly. Either way I was not going to watch as an innocent person is in danger! I need to be a hero. I failed them before. "Don't worry I've got you!" I say and then Toga addresses me. I'm in for it but I'm pissed.

"Well isn't this just perfect? Denki Kaminari! Just the man we're looking for!"
"I refuse to be put with you people." I'm fuming with rage now.
"Oh well that's too bad! You made a deal! And now I'm going to take you and your little friend here!"
"Not if I have anything to do with it." I step in front of them. I need to make sure they stay safe.


That was them. It's the voice I recognize. What are they talking about! They need to be saved! They yelled fro help, I'm a hero and I will not just wait around. It's time to keep them safe.
"Stay back, I don't want you getting hurt." I will not let them get injured anymore than they already are.

"D-don't fight for me...why.."

Because you are in danger and I failed you before.

"It looks like you're done for!" screams Toga.

"Don't worry!" I reassured them as much as I could consider I am scared out of my mind right now.

Your POV

I continue to try and process why he is saving me. This has to be a trap, no one would ever do this for me. I crumble to the ground my mind racing until I hear the fight start. He stands in front of me protectively as they scream at each other back and forth. Then the girl runs at me. I scream. I don't want to die! I can't die! I just want to have a normal life instead of this piece of crap! I back away fast on all fours tears streaming down my cheeks. He stomps right in front of me.

"Stay away from them!"

Sparks of electricity shoot across his hands until the whole street is covered with lighting. He tried to attack her though not well. The lightning only covered the street surface, nothing above it. She just quickly jumped on a ledge and she was free from the blasts. I continue to sob unable to stop. I'm scared for my life and I still don't understand why he is helping me.

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