❀ ONE ❀

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It was an early Monday morning for Jade. The café in which she works at opened their doors at 5 to sell the warm pastries their volunteer baker creates, and to make some coffee to accompany them. Her best friend Jay stood next to her almost every day as she followed the actions of Jade, brewing the most amazing coffee in New York - or so the baker told them; they guessed he had some sort of crush on Jade as he kept handing out compliments left and right. He seemed like a nice, shy guy, but neither one of us were interested in him.

"Hey," Jay smiled as she moved around the front of the counter to the back. "Thanks for covering for me." She gave her friend a quick side hug.

"All good. Pass me the chocolate powder? Thanks."

The morning was slow, something the pair enjoyed as they were given more opportunities to speak with customers. Jay was always an outgoing and talkative person with almost everyone she meets, whereas Jade is more reserved and likes the listening side of things much more than talking - stories were her favourite.

"Okay! So, I know how much you love parties-"

"Don't even think about it Jay." She eyed her friend with a look of distaste.

"C'mon, When was the last time you actually had fun? Like went out drinking and dancing." Jay had stopped what she was doing now, eyebrows raised and a silly half smile on her lips.

The bell on top of the café door rang as a customer a stepped inside.

"It's been a while I'll admit- BUT parties just aren't my thing. Do you hear the shit that happens at parties?" Jade laughed and finished up the Hot Chocolate she had been making for herself.

The girls then noticed the man standing opposite them on the other side of the counter.

"Hi!" Jay cheered. "What can I get you?"

"Can I get a Grande Pumpkin Spice Latte please?"
His accent was thick and the smile he produced after he spoke was endearing.
Jay started making his order as Jade took his money and picked up a paper cup.

"Your name?" She asked him with a marker firmly between her fingers.


"Sonny..." She trailed, writing it across the cup. It was an unusual name to Jade, but she quite liked how it sounded; reminded her of the summer. "Alright, should be ready soon."

He muttered a thank you and stepped away from the counter.

"I'm just saying," Jay continued their conversation. "Nothing bad will happen to you if we stick together. We're pretty scary girls, y'know." She joked.
Jade could see the man - Sonny - listening in, and for some peculiar reason it made the corners of her lips tug tight into a strange smile.

"Alright. I'll go - BUT if I get so much as one whiff of bad vibes I'm out." Jay only heard the first word before her eyes lit and an enormous grin appeared on her gorgeous face.

"Yes!" She celebrated. "You'll have fun, I promise."

"I better - Sonny!" She called to the man and held his cup out to take. He made his way over, tripping ever so slightly as he reached the counter. "Here you go. I hope you have a fantastic day!"

"Thank you, you too." He said, taking his paper cup as he turned and left the cafe.

"What was that? Hope you have a fantastic day." Jay imitated her. "You're never that cheerful to a customer."
Jade hung her head and hid in her hands.

"I know. That was awkward, I don't know why I did that." Her cheeks turned crimson.

"Anyway," Jay spoke. "I'll pick you up at 9. Be ready! And don't be boring with your clothes."
Jade scoffed.

Orange Juice - Sonny Carisi Where stories live. Discover now