"That scum," Kyung Won spat.

"He planned everything down to the T," Tae Pyung thought aloud, his eyebrows knitted so closely together while his hands fidgeted with a pen that was randomly lying on his desk. "He faked an accident so he can get a free surgery and change his appearance. Then, he went on with his scheme by tricking his cousin to drink more than his limit and even mixed narcotics to the alcohol to make a lethal combination. And when he dumped the body in the river, he was able to do so without getting caught by the CCTV cameras."

He buried his face in his hands and let out a long sigh.

"I hate it when murderers do their homework," Tae Pyung groaned.

The three of them sat in an awkward silence as they tried to devise another plan to catch the culprit. After a while, Tae Pyung told his colleagues to get some decent sleep in their own homes for the meantime as he already noticed how the long hours were taking its toll on them. He literally had to shoo them away before they budged and obeyed his orders.

He was on his way out when his hand phone rang. He checked the caller's name first before swiping right to answer.

Private Kim reporting for duty, sir! said the caller, a boy in his pre-teen years.

Tae Pyung smiled at the inside joke.

"At ease, Private Kim," he responded with a modulated tone, to which the boy chuckled. "How are you, buddy?"

Where are you right now, Dad? Are you still at work? the boy deflected.

"Yes, I'm still at the station. It's been a crazy week," Tae Pyung replied. "Why do you ask, Ji Won? Is something wrong?"

Nothing, Dad. Everything's okay, Ji Won assured him.

"Are you sure?"

The boy did not respond.

"Hey, Kim Ji Won," Tae Pyung jokingly chided. "What's up?"

It took a quite awhile for Ji Won to speak again that Tae Pyung started to wonder if the call got disconnected.

Uhmmm... Dad, Ji Won mumbled. Are you coming home this weekend?

"I'm not sure yet," Tae Pyung apologetically replied. "What's the matter?"

I badly need help with my Math, Ji Won sighed. My teacher said I'm a hopeless case since all I do is space out and daydream.

"Do you, now?" Tae Pyung asked with the tiniest hint of a smile on his lips, feeling relieved that it wasn't anything serious.

I contemplate, Dad! That's totally different from spacing out and daydreaming, Ji Won protested. There's just too many numbers and letters in Algebra that I need to process.

Tae Pyung stifled a laugh and had to clear his throat before speaking, so as not to embarrass the boy. He found it really funny that even if they were living a few miles apart, he could actually visualize Ji Won pouting or picking at something as he made excuses.

"To be honest, Math is not my strongest suit, buddy," he admitted. "But sure, let's work on your practice sheets together this Saturday."

Ji Won hooted and sent several flying kisses to his dad over the phone, which, at that moment, made Tae Pyung's heart full after so many long days at work. If there was anything to be thankful for that week - his entire life, actually - it was the fact that he had an endearing eleven year-old who always made him strive to be the best person in the entire world, or at least in the boy's eyes.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to come home last weekend, Ji Won," he sighed, feeling guilty that the kid had to call and ask him. "This case I am working on is really something. Even Uncle Kyung Won is starting to become grumpy because the culprit is always one step ahead of us."

It's okay, Dad, Ji Won assured him. You'll catch him soon, I know.

"Aww... My Ji Won is being extra nice because he's going to make Dad's head hurt on Saturday doing Math problems with him," he teased. "Until then, try to wing it, ok? That's what the Kims do best."

Yes, Dad.

"And please stop with the spacing out and daydreaming," he added. "Just look straight in front of you and pretend to listen, will you?"

Ji Won hung up a few moments later when Tae Pyung reminded him that it was already way past his bedtime. It was the same for him, too, as he felt the exhaustion finally kicking in after several days and nights working overtime.

However, just as he was about to lock the door of this office, one word crossed his mind.


Without wasting any second, he quickly went back to his desk and unlocked his computer, then launched the search engine to find all the logistic companies near the area where the man's body was found.

Lucky for Tae Pyung, only one name came up.

He dialed the phone number listed on the company's website, hoping that the office was operating on shifting schedules. After a few rings, one of the staff picked up.

"Hello, my name is Kim Tae Pyung," he told the person on the other line. "I'm looking for the address of one of your clients. Can you help me with this, please?"

Sure, the employee said. May I ask for the name of the establishment?

"I forgot the name of the store," he lied. "But I have the name of the proprietor. Would you be able to look it up for me?"

In a matter of seconds, Tae Pyung was able to get the information he needed. He also made a mental note just as he was leaving the station that he will be cancelling his morning agenda to pay Son Eon Jin a visit.

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

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