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"Of course we are, El, nothing new." Jaehyun told the singer in a dry tone, throwing a water bottle at her in which she catches.

She glared, "You guys are mean! If Jisoo-unnie was here she would kick your asses." She sassily told them, while taking off her ear-piece.

"Don't worry, El, I will kick their asses later."

She froze and turned around to see that Jisoo was sitting with the rest, all of them having stupid grins on their faces. Elena broke into a smile and ran over to her, pushing Chao and Jinsol away, and hugging her tight.

"Jisoo, oh my, look at you! You look so great!" Elena gushed at the older, gently putting her head onto her pregnant belly.

Jinsol scoffed, "You could just ask nicely, El." He muttered, changing seats with Youngmin, who's laughing at the whole thing.

"I heard a kick!" Elena squealed in excitement, looking up at Jisoo with a grin. Jisoo rubbed her stomach and chuckled, "Yeah, she's been throwing tantrums lately."

"I call dibs on being the godmother!" Elena blurted out. Jeni gasped and shook her head, "Um, no. It's definitely not you."

Hani agreed with Jeni with a fond look, "It's me, bitches. Get over it." Arisa scoffed and pushed her shoulder, "Can we stop fighting over this? I swear once she gets born she will want to go back because of you crackheads."

Jisoo laughed and shook her head, "I swear, I'm surrounded by idiots."

"Shut up! You love us!


"No, it's raining!" Elena said with a gloomy sigh. She stared at the car window with a pout. Jaehyun patted her head, "Don't worry about that, the rain will end soon."

She shook her head, "Doesn't look like it." She said and pointed at the window, heavy rain started to fall.

Achara grinned cheekily and pulled out a headband and a big trash bag they could cover themselves with. Chanri raised her eyebrows at the younger female, "Did you lost a few brain cells today, Char?"

She shook her head, "Nope. El, look, we will wear this headband and the trash bag so that we won't get wet from the rain."

Jeni agreed, "She's right, though. It's a long way to the building and it's raining hard so."

Elena shrugged and took the trash bag and put it on her body. Jisoo opened the camera and started filming them, "So girls, watcha doin?"

Elena pulled her hair into a bun, "So since it's pouring rain outside, I will go and meet fans and it's a long way to go there, all of us will wear trash bags." She told the camera, putting the headband on her head.

"Girl you look hot!" Arisa whistled as she put the trash bag onto her head.

"Darling, help me with my hair." Hani told Jeni, fixing her makeup. Jeni walked over to her and pulled her hair into a bun.

"Put my sister's hair up!" Jeni told the camera with a sassy look. The girls laughed, "We look like the cutest lunch ladies."

Elena nodded, "You guys are so cute!"

"C'mon lets go, we won't want the fans waiting!" Jinsol told the girls, opening the buss door open for them. Jaehyun went outside first and gave everyone an umbrella.

Achara linked her arms with Elena and walked outside. "It's so cold!"

Everyone sprint walked to the building and went inside, meeting the fans inside.

"Meet and greet in the rain. We're singing in the rain." Elena sang and waved her hand at the fans, "C'mon, we're singing in the rain!"

Chanri, with her new baggy outfit and her umbrella greeted the fans and started shaking her butt to Elena, "Aye, Aye, Ella join me!"

Elena laughed as she twerked. Elantics went wild and couldn't stop laughing. "Oh my God guys, you're crazy."

"I don't know them." Jinsol told everyone as he went inside the building.


"Have you thought about auditioning, though?" Jeni asked the singer with a thoughtful look, as they all were sitting at Elena's kitchen.

Elena shrugged her shoulders, "I haven't even thought about that. So much is going on and I'm trying to take one day at a time." She replied back, taking a bite of her salat.

"I heard from Hyungsik that he will audition and told me that it will be fun to work with you again." Jaehyun told her, handing her a piece of paper that's written different numbers for the audition.

Elena raised an eyebrow, "Oh, really? I haven't heard from that idiot in a while. I will think about it." She told him, looking the the numbers.

Jinsol let out a chuckle, "That idiot also has been kind of MIA lately and told me to call you soon." He said and poked her side before walking over to the fridge to get himself a drink.

She hummed, taking another bite of her food before taking her phone to text her best friend. "What are your plans for the rest of the night?" Jeni asked her while looking through her papers.

"Sunmi is coming over. We're having a sleepover." She answered, without looking up.

Elena suddenly felt a tingly sensation down her feet, crawling up her leg. She let out scream and jumped out of her seat, scaring the others.

Jeni jumped with her and ran into her, "What? What is it?"

"I don't know I felt something crawling on my leg, I think it was a spider." Elena cried out.

Jaehyun walked over to her seat, looking closely down the floor. He chuckled and picked up her phone charger.

"It's not, it was a charger, goddammit, Elaheh, you scared us." Jinsol whined, holding his chest.

"I'm sorry. . ."

✓ 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃  ━━  Female Soloist.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat