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"Yeah, you should've. It was an entire trip." She snorted, snuggling closer to him.

"You know, this is technically your fault." Harley realized. He raised a brow at her, waiting for her to go on. "If you hadn't gotten any in the first place, this wouldn't have been a problem. Besides, how do you even know it was a Serpent? They don't even deal. The Ghoulies do."

The Mantle boy rolled his eyes. "Ghoulies or Serpents, they're all the same. Lowlife, criminal thugs good for nothings. And how do you even know that the Serpents don't deal?" Reggie questioned.

     Just as Harley prepared to snap back at him, Veronica interrupted the conversation before it could get too heated. "Hey, Reg, Har. Mind if I talk to you guys for a hot minute?" Harley nodded, happy that the Lodge girl had saved her from a conversation she was far from ready to have.

"What can we do for you?" The Byers girl asked. Reggie sighed from Harley's side, but shifted his attention over to Veronica as she spoke.

"It's more what Reggie can do for me." She started. "I need the name of the jingle jangle dealer of yours, Reginald, and I won't be taking no for an answer."

Reggie hesitated. "You sure that's a good idea?" Harley rolled his eyes and grabbed her own phone. She already had the dealers number ( don't ask why, she had grabbed the contact off of Reggie's phone just in case, having had a sneaking suspicion it would come handy ).

"I'm texting you the number now." She informed. Within seconds Veronica's phone chimed loudly, signaling the text.

"Thank you, Harley, you're a life saver." Veronica said, offering a grateful smile in brunette's direction. She shrugged her shoulders, following after Veronica.

"What do you need it for anyways?" Harley questioned. She was following after V both because she was curious as to why she needed the number of the dealer and because she wanted an excuse to not be with Reggie. She'd had enough Mantle for one day.

"Oh, nothing important." Veronica brushed her off.

"Mhm, suure. Seeing as I'm your, and I quote, 'life saver' I think I'm in a position to be asking questions and receiving answers." Veronica sighed, debating wether or not it was a good idea to mix Harley up in it all.

"Fine, but if I'm going to tell you then you have to be Betty and I's ride, okay?" The girl nodded eagerly. "I'll tell you on the way there. Let's go."


Would Harley Byers have nagged on Veronica to admit where she was going and why she needed the jingle jangle dealer's contact information if she knew it would land her smack bang in the middle of the Southside hiding with Betty while Veronica pretended to deal drugs with a Ghoulie? The answer is simple: No, no she would not have.

But seeing as it wasn't really anything new that Harley said yes to situations like this without knowing what it meant ( take the night Archie pulled a gun at Sweet Pea and his fellow Serpent friends ), she was calm about the situation. Well, as calm as one could be at ones first drug deal.

Betty was far more relaxed about it all. Harley wasn't quite sure that was a good thing, or a bad one. It was kind of freaky, actually. "How are you so calm about this? We're breaking the law!" The brunette whisper yelled at the Cooper girl as they peered at Veronica and the dealer from around the corner of the alley they were hiding in. Instead of answering, Betty shushed Harley. "Did you just hush me?"

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