XXVIII: No Air, No Air

Start from the beginning

"You're barely even home anymore," I cried, only becoming more upset. "I try so hard to follow your rules but I'm lonely, Zion."

He shook his head, "Call your friends—"

"My friends are at work," I huffed.

"Finish your vision journals—"

"I finished all three of them and finalized the decorations in Kadeem's nursery so now two cradles are in there," I bounced the baby lovingly.

"They can't be coming in and out of this house, Gianna," he said for the thousandth time. "You know—"

"I'm suffocating, Zion!" I yelled, walking to set Kadeem down in his playpen. I returned to the grown man and crossed my arms as I cried, "I can't stay in this house 24/7 and not be lonely."

"Don't act like this is a jail cell—"

"It feels like one!" I scoffed. "I can only go outside when you and the Tags are with me, I can't see my family face to face and they're right down the road!"

"What do you want from me—"

"I want to breathe!" I screamed.

Zion's chest heaved as we stared one another down, Kadeem's cries breaking the tense silence between us. Zion rushed up the staircase, leaving me to comfort the crying baby as I sobbed myself.

Kadeem had finished his lunch half an hour later when Zion rushed down the staircase, jackets and shoes in hand.

I approached him, my temple still thumping, as he pulled out one of the dining chairs, "What are you—"

"Sit down," he demanded. I obeyed and he replaced my slippers with socks and shoes. He stood me up and helped me into a jacket before moving onto Kadeem, cleaning his face and hands as he went.

He passed Kadeem to me, grabbed the diaper bag, and swung open the front door.

I stayed right where I was, "Where are we going?"

"You wanna breathe? Then get in the car," he said before motioning for me to exit the house first.

Zion opened the door for me and took Kadeem, strapping him in before shutting both of our doors.

It didn't take long for me to realize that he was driving us downtown. I peeked in the rear view mirror and saw two other black cars following close behind us. I immediately knew they were Tags and wasn't surprised, "Where are you taking us, Zion?"

He grasped my hand and brought it to his lips for a kiss, "Trust me, ma."

He glanced at me long enough for me to see the sincerity in his eyes, "Okay. I trust you."

He smiled and kissed my hand again, simply holding it against his lips afterwards. We arrived at a large park not even ten minutes later, Zion quickly rounding the car and ushering us out towards it.

He kissed me soundly before taking my hand again, leading me to the sidewalk. We walked around the playground and park, switching Kadeem between us until he fell asleep on my chest. I silenced my alarm for his nap. We stayed there until the sun began to set. Zion ushered us back into the car and drove a few more minutes to an elite high rise.

I gasped at our surroundings as he herded next into an elevator and down the hall. He unlocked the door and smiled to me. I quirked an eyebrow at his suspicious attitude, "What's going on?"

He pushed the door open and there were my friends and relatives. I hurriedly shushed then, motioning to the still-sleeping Kadeem on my chest. I surveyed the large living space and decor before turning to speak with Zion. His space was empty until I looked down.

I gasped and one of my aunts took Kadeem from me carefully, allowing me to bring both hands to my mouth in shock.

Zion kneeled on one knee, and revealed a diamond engagement ring, "For every second I've known you, you've given me a reason to be a better person. I don't want to watch you leave again. Gianna Kingsley, will you marry me—"

"YES!" I practically screamed, having restrained myself as long as I possibly could. My relatives and friends laughed at my expense, but I was too happy to care. "Hurry so I can kiss you already."

Zion didn't need to be told twice. As soon as he stood, the ring was on my finger. I admired it shortly before kissing him fiercely, channeling every ounce of love his proposal made me feel into our kiss.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too," he whispered back.

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