Spoken Confessions

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"Thank you." He smiled to her as he stepped in, sitting close to the side to leave from for her to sit beside him if she had wanted. He looked up to the driver who had already given the two their first suspicious look of the day due to Luna's informal clothing. Luna felt like she was falling and lossing herself all over again. She sighed and got in she said next to Chance and rubbed her temples once she crossed her legs, "Chance I'm a little scared I know that I'm going to be with you but I'm scared ... I don't want to be hurt again"

Chance's head perked up as he heard her, he gave her a soft expression. His hand reached out, taking hers in it as he looked to her face, "I will do all within my power to keep you safe. As much as you don't want to be hurt, I want to prevent you from behind hurt." She looked away and wanted to cry but she turned back to him, "But why My Lord, I'm the one that need to keep you safe." He shook his head, leaning against her slightly, "First off, I told you not to call me that today, this is to be an informal trip. Second, because.. Because I care about you." His eyes shot up to meet hers, that same fondness from the moment in his room returning as his smile grew softer, brighter than before.

She cried and spoke, "You shouldn't care about me i'm just a girl who got abused sent into slavery so I can become a maid fir the prince...Chance i'm no body but a maid.." she looked down at him holding both on his hands. Chance hugged her and her face hid in his chest as she cried. Chance told her in a soft tone. "Luna, you are no longer a slave, you are my maid and my friend, I want you to remember that. I will make sure that you are safe because of that. Luna, you are more than just another servant to me." Luna "B-but.." She studdered but then stayed quiet. She wanted to tell him how much she loved him but..she couldn't. He could never except her.

He tilted his head forward, resting his forehead against hers as he let out a soft sigh, "Let me here you say it..." His eyes stayed locked with hers as he spoke with an almost commanding tone. She understood what he wanted but she told him her feelings instead. "I love you..." She looked away and sighs as her eyes changed color from her normal periwinkle blue to a deep sea blue. His face burned red as he heard her, pulling back slightly as he swallowed hard, "Wh-what? I meant.. I meant that you are my..." He stuttered, his hands still holding hers as he tried to find the right words. She let him go and hugged herself while her eyes created small tears.

 Chance leaned forward, letting his arms wrap tightly around her again as he pressed his lips to her forehead, "Luna..." He trailed off, still struggling to find words that he hadn't even said to his parents since he was a young kid. "Yes chance..what is it.." she held him close to her, her face nuzzles his shoulder. He held her firmly, breathing in her scent as his body shivered slightly. With a soft kiss on her forehead he whispered against her, "I love you too..''

(OwO yay she confessed I'm happy, other than that i hope you all like the story so far. comment if you want)

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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One love that will never be forgottenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ