"The Isle..." Part XII...

Start from the beginning

"Captain Grumbie should do just fine by my lights!" he calls.

"Damned foreigner, who cares what you think!" Crumpt, fuming.

"I don't knows, Fred...I'm an American citizen for five years now." Lovely, smiling at the others.

"The other bitch didn't get to vote. Fraud!" Crumpt insists.

"The Skipper guy sounds fine to me." Karen calls from the tank shower below deck where she was carefully luxuriating in her first shower in months.

Buncha damned Commies...What kind of American don't take a bribe? Crumpt thinks angrily.

Well, she's probably a furrener too. And a lesbo.

"Thanks, folks." The Skipper nods. "Now lets get dinner finished and then the Professor and I will go over what we have and what we think we should do next, tomorrow."

"I paid you, Grumbie!" Crumpt cries.

"The usual fare...And you've gotten the same service everyone else has, even more so." the Skipper notes. "Now dinner is not included in that fare so if you want something to eat, shut up, sit down, and wait for it. Or better yet, how about lending a hand here?"

Heck, he didn't even tip...Gilligan notes with grin to Ginger, she tossing more driftwood on flames as he turns burgers.

"I don't do that. I'm a big picture guy. That fetch and carry is for losers, like you." Crumpt sneered.

Yeah, how could anyone not want to vote this guy into the White House...The Skipper thought.

What amazes me is how close he is to winning and how dimwitted his followers are to put him there. I guess our educational system really has declined. The idea that we should have to waste our valuable time and skills to take him out to save the nation is just insane...

"Fred, just sit and I'll bring your burger when it's done..." Lovely suggested, gentle tone.

"I said three burgers! And fries!. Coke, if these losers don't have milkshakes!"

"Two a piece, Fred." The Skipper, firmly. "No fries, sorry. We can give you some chips or pretzels or some salad."

"Commie health nut..." Crumpt mumbled. "Salad?"

"Well that's some relief...He won't last long." Ginger hissed to Gill(igan) who returned a quiet smile.

That's for sure.


Far below, in the main lab of the Balinkoff complex...

"Good, huh?" Igor stroked a reasonably calm and content Amanda as she pecked at the fresh grain he'd poured in bowl for her.

"The Doctor says you're in very good health, in spite of all that running around and being out in the jungle. He can go ahead with the transfer in just a few...He's getting Henmanda ready right now."

Amanda raising head to eye him...

Seriously? Henmanda?

"It was just an experiment, Amanda. If you hadn't run away, we'd've put you right back." He insisted.

Uh-huh. Sour "bak..." as she returned to pecking grain.

Eat...Get strong. Then, run...Unless. Mad guy really means it.

Get back my pretty nice body. Good.

Swear I'll never be bothered by my flabby upper arms again.

"Come, come, my dear..."

Amanda raising head in fear at the sound of Balinkoff's voice...As he led a rather nervous Henamanda carefully into the lab, a security guard in uniform by her side to keep her from running.

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