"I.." I heard her try to say. I don't think she likes guns, with a sigh I grab a simple hand gun-walking over to the shooting range. I motion for Oakley to come over. She walks over slowly.

"Do you want to try or me show you?" I ask her as she stares at the target.

"You can." She says quietly. I point the gun at the target. Squeezing the trigger 3 times. 2 to the chest, one to the head. I learned to shoot when I was 10, my dad made all of us learn.

I can feel Oakley flinch at the loud noise. I look down at her.

"Here," I say handing her the gun. She loosely holds it causing me to fix her hands. Her hands were giving off heat as I let her aim. She shot the gun but hit no were near the target. I chuckled as she sighed frustrated. She tries again a couple of times, missing all.

"This is pointless!" She yells dropping the gun down on the edge of a table.

"I didn't learn in a day." I sigh with a smirk. "And you need to learn." I grab the gun handing it back to her. I step behind her, putting my hands around hers. Helping her aim. I can feel how tense she is, her body yet was still warm against mine. "Relax.." I whisper in her ear. I put my finger of hers on the trigger. "Breath in.." I whisper pushing her finger firing the gun. "Breath out," I mumble removing my arm, seeing that it hit the target. "See you did it." I hum happily as her face was slightly red.

"Is this dinner dangerous?" She asks unsure, fiddling with her blonde strand of hair yet again.

"Yes and No. It's very stressful as you can easily sneak weapons into the dinner but no one has died, yet." I explain. "Still lots of injuries come from this."

"What!" She shouts, "What type of injuries!" She says loudly. I look down at her.

"Two people got shot in the chest about four years back, my dad's second in command got shot in his back, Oliver's dad got shot in the hand, Elijah actually got stabbed in the arm with a knife by his date that he brought last time actually." I chuckle remember. Oakleys's mouth hung open slightly.

"God." I heard her whisper.

"It's fine," I smile down at her. "Getting shot and stabbed isn't as bad as you think. You probably wouldn't remember getting shot, I did but it wasn't even that bad." I smirk at her. "You probably would faint.."

"You've been shot!" She yells her eyes going wide. "And no, I'll be screaming bloody murder" She giggles. Still, the thought of her body with blood covering her scares me.

"Yep," I laugh. "One in the shoulder and one in the arm." Her eyes light up.

"Can I see?" She asks almost too quietly to hear. I nod pulling my sleeve up showing her the scar. It was clean in and out but it did leave a nasty scar from the stitches. I feel her soft fingers trace over it gently. I then pull my shirt's caller down showing the long scar, that bullet didn't go all the way through so they had to dig it out. I feel her gaze on it for a minute before she looks up at me. I watch as she takes her lip between her teeth softly, I could tell she was think something.

"You want to try anything else in here.." I say changing the subject pulling away from her a little. She nods looking around the room.

We work on stuff for about an hour until we feel good enough for today. As me and her walk upstairs we see my mom and dad. I smile at them sitting on the couch together. I want a love like theirs.

new york elitesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن