Chapter two

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Harry was on his way to the Great Lake. He goes there or to the owlery when he feels lonely, don't get him wrong he loves his friends and knows they will always be there for him. But sometimes he's just lonely. First Hermione and Ron got together, then Luna and Ginny and then Neville and Blaise. When he came to the lake he saw someone sitting there. When he got a closer look he saw Malfoy sitting against the tree reading a book. Harry wasn't sure what he should do, he hasn't talked to Malfoy since the war. He wanted to turn around and walk away but Malfoy heard a leaf crunch under his feet when he turned. Malfoy lookes up at Harry with curious grey eyes. Then Malfoy asked: "Would you like to sit ?" Harry was a little shocked with the question, he looked at Malfoy and nodded his head. "What are you reading Malfoy?" asked Harry. Malfoy looked at Harry and said: " A book about healing spells and call me Draco." Harry let a smile pass his lips and said: "Then can you call me Harry, Draco." The two sat for hours by the lake talking and laughing. When Harry casted a tempus he saw that it was time for dinner, the two whent to the great hall and sat with their friends. There was one big table for the 8th years and they also shared dorms together. There where two per dorm, of course Harry's roommate is Ron. Classes are the only things where you must be with your house.

~time skip~
Harry and Ron lay in bed in their dorm. They were talking about unimportant things, when Ron out of nowhere said he had seen Draco and Harry sitting by the lake. Harry was glad that Ron couldn't see his face because it was lightly dusted with a pink color. Harry told him what happend and Ron stared at him in disbelieve. "You mean that Malfoy was nice company to talk to?" Ron asked, his eyes almost fell out off his head from shock. "Yes, he's accually quite nice when you get to know him." was Harry's answer. That night Harry didn't have a nightmare instead he dreamed off him and Draco married with three beautiful children.

~next day~
Today was monday and class starts again. Harry woke up well rested for the first time in a long period. He lay in bed thinking about a certain someone, indeed it was Draco he was thinking about. When after 10 minutes of daydreaming he finally got out of bed. He went to shower, get dressed, got his stuff and then went to the great hall where he found Draco eating an apple (drapple guys). They looked at each other and Harry rapidly turned his head because he could feel his cheeks heating up. He went to sit with Hermione, Ron and Neville and started breakfast. They were talking about stupid stuff when the owls came flying in the great hall. Hedwig ( I can't let her die) came over to him and dropped a letter. He gave her some bacon and she nipped his finger affectionately and then flew away. Harry opened the letter and it read:

Dear Harry,

Would you like to meet me at the lake at 3pm this afternoon to get to know each other?


Harry looked over at the Slytherin table and saw that Draco was looking at him. Harry smiled at Draco and nodded his head yes at him. When he looked down again Mione told them it's time for classes. Both groaning Harry and Ron stood up and Followed Mione to their first class, Transfiguration.

When Transfiguration ended they made their way to Potions what they have with the Slytherins. For ones Harry looked happy to be going to Potions with professor Snape(can't kill him, he's one of my favs). When they entered the classroom and took their seets Snape began his lesson on the use of a Gregory's Unctuous Unction. This was for the first hour, in the second hour they needed to brew the potion in pairs. Snape ofcourse choosed the pairs. Hermione was with Parkinson, Ron with Zabini and Harry with Draco. When everyone knew their partner they could start, evrything whent great with Harry and Draco. They were first to finish a perfect potion(mostely thanks to Dray) and for the rest of the lesson they just talked.

A/N: I'm so sorry that it took so long to write this chapter. Honestly, I forgot this story but I'm back and working on chapter 3. And I have a lot of time with the corona virus and since I have 2 weeks vacation. So, I hope you will like the chapter and let me know in the comments if I wrote something wrong.

Lots of love,
The author Gemma 💜

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