"Girls, go fetch the midwife. Before the snowfall gets worse." Tormund ordered Munda and Anya urgently. He knew there was a blizzard coming, and wanted the old woman there soon. The girls were eager to bring help for Brienne, and before his words had left his lips they were already heading toward their heavy furs which hung on the wall by the doorway.

"No, no." Brienne held up her hand, her tone trying to alleviate their worry. The midwife, Vrenna, had visited daily during the final moon of her pregnancy to examine her, and had explained what she could expect. "Remember what Vrenna said." She tried to calm them. "It could be a while before I feel another pain." The old woman had delivered most of the babies in the village, and Brienne would have been more comfort if she were nearby. However she also understood that help would hopefully not be needed until later.

"But we need to get someone here who knows what she's doing." Tormund begged, kneeling down beside Brienne. His nervousness was getting the better of him. This would be the first of his children at whose birth he would be present. He had been a young rowdy warrior when both of the girls were born, and there had been too much fighting to do. He swore he would not miss seeing the babe he had created with Brienne taking the first breath of life. He was desperate to get his wife the help she needed.

Brienne smiled and touched his face. "Everything will be alright." She was unsure if her words were for him or for herself. She looked at the girls, and gave them a brave smile. She was glad they were there. "Now, everyone sit down, and we'll eat." She motioned toward the table.

Munda and Anya looked at their father, Unsure what to do. He nodded his approval. "Alright." Anya agreed. "But we'll finish preparing the meal." She demanded.

Tormund sat down next to Brienne, never taking his hand or his eyes from hers. Brienne had already seen to it that the food was nearly ready. The girls scooped the roots she had boiled into bowls, and brought pieces of bread to the table. The family ate quietly, and tried to be cheerful despite their anxiety. Brienne ate little and attempted to hide the fact that she was sick to her stomach. Vrenna had told her that might happen, and she tried not to worry. Tormund noticed, and kept a wary eye on her.

Brienne had been correct. Her next pain did take some time to arrive, but not as long as she thought it might. Once their meal was over, the family cleaned up the vestiges together. Brienne stood heavily, and shuffled to the fire to put away the leftovers, her hand supporting her back which was starting to ache. Just as she was reaching for the ladle, her belly clenched again. She drew in a sharp breath, and tried to hold it to overcome the pain mounting in her lower body. Tormund, who had not been more than a step behind her, saw her reaction and raced to place his comforting arms around her. She gratefully grabbed hold of his forearms and let out a low groan as the full force of the contraction hit her. Tormund helped her stand as her legs buckled. He held her close as her body fought against her. When she began to relax, Brienne layed her head against his shoulder. Finally, she was able to inhale a deep breath fully into her lungs.

Brienne looked at Tormund lovingly and tried to give him a brave smile. "Stay with me." She begged. She knew that if they had been in the South he would have already been unshared from her side.

He squeezed her a little tighter. "The fucking Night King himself couldn't take me away from you right now." He vowed, assuring her as he kissed her temple.

As the afternoon passed, Brienne's labor progressed steadily. She tried to keep herself occupied so her thoughts would not race ahead of her body.
The girls tidied the little house, and then helped Brienne set out the clean linens and blankets she thought she might need for her delivery. Tormund had lovingly made tiny, plain wooden crate on legs just tall enough to sit at their bedside. This was the luxurious version of the small beds used by most Free Folk parents for their babes. If they had been on Tarth, the baby would have had an opulent bassinet. Tormund swore that his child would rest in finest cradle in the North. Brienne's heart melted when he presented his gift to her. Now, together they prepared the soft feather tick that would line the bottom, upon which they would place their child. Inside the cradle, they laid a tiny new quilt that Brienne had sewn, and a fluffy white snow fox fur that Tormund had hunted and tanned.

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