Her quest

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The sky was covered with pink hue of rising sun, a cool breeze blew inside Lina's hut making her relax in a momentarily bliss. Her exhausted body enjoyed the warmth of her bed for a moment but the distant chirping of bird and the crowing of rooster made her crack an eye open, with sleep still in her eyes she stretched her exhausted body, rubbing her drooping eyes she looked at the metal object shinnig at the corner of her tathered hut. Sighing at her fate she got up and picked the object.
With metal tumbler by her hip and a piece of saare covering half of her face she walked out of her home.

A pair of foot steps aprroached her matching her pace,the same metallic tumbler by her hips. They walked together with matching pace. The only sound that filled the calm atmosphere beside the chirping birds was of their glass bangles clinking against the tumbler.

A distant rumbling made them walk faster their gaze locked on the oncoming vehicle, their gaze turned hopeful their heart started beating fast. Both the women paused and stared at the vehicle approaching them.

After a heart beating wait the vehicle finally stopped before them. Their curtained gaze locked with that of driver's nervous one making him jump from the drivers seat.

One look, just one look at his face was enough to diminish the expectant look on their faces it was like a strong gust of wind blowing the single candle of the room covering the room with darkness,it was like a warrior loosing the war, like a lover loosing his other half their heart broke with anguish.

After looking at his tired face hanging in disappointment,helpness written all over his face.
Their metal objects fell on the ground banging against each other.

Once again the anticipation ended once again the wait was filled with disappointment.
Once again Giving one last glance at the empty water tank they walked empty handed towards their home. Their empty water container devoid of even a single drop of water.

They both looked at each other a defeated smile on thier faces, Lina's legs gave away taking her weight with it. Giving one last glance at the empty water tank and the single drop that dropped from the pipe, her body finally dropped from lack of water for 3 days.

Thousands of people all over the world cover more than a mile to get fresh water. They have to walk on foot to get a basic need for their family. Clean water is a luxury for them, it is not just simply water for them it is luxury they can't afford. In hopes of finding water everyday they even walks miles and miles, sometimes thier hardship is fruitful sometimes they don't even get a single drop of water. Like Lina many people die due to lack of water. Clean water for people like Lina is a boon they can't afford.

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