"You're up then." She said breezily, seeming to snap herself out of her self induced misery. "I've got the tripod ready, all you've got to do is put your phone on it and record your answers to send to Viviana."

He kept looking at her, regarding her with suspicion. How could she flit from one mood to another so quickly and easily? She'd clearly been thinking about that night in Norway, thinking about what he'd done and now all of a sudden she was ok?

"What?" She asked defensively.

"Nothing." He replied quickly.

"Then why are you staring at me?"

"That track you were playing......" He began.

"I shouldn't have listened to it and I shouldn't have been trawling through your phone, I'm sorry." She stood up and stepped closer to him, his arms went around her like an instinctive response to her close proximity.

"It brought back bad memories, right?"

"Yeah, I won't lie, it did. My minds all over the place right now." She sighed sadly.

"Then why don't I give you something to occupy it." He slid his hands down to her behind and leant in to kiss her.

"Hang on..." She leant back from him. "What about the Q and A thing you have to record for Viviana?"

"It's this afternoon and it's a Skype call not a recording." He kept one hand on her behind while his other hand trailed up her back, slipping underneath her strappy vest top to press her lightly against him. "Let me put a smile on that beautiful face of yours."

"I'm pretty sure it's this morning you've got to do it, not this afternoon." She pressed her hands against his firm chest to try and prise herself from his hold.

"Liebe come on, its ages since we last had sex." He whined, refusing to let go of her and keeping his hand on her bare back.

"It was not ages ago, it was Wednesday."

"Exactly. Ages ago." He affirmed and proceeded to start peppering her face with little kisses. His three week beard growth tickled her skin and as he stooped a little and started to kiss his way around her neck she let out a giggle and squirmed in his arms. Hearing her laugh was one of his favourite sounds and he smiled as he continued. Finding her weak spot, just below her ear, she fell quiet and leant her head to one side while her hands slipped underneath his black sweatshirt to touch and explore. Needing more from her, Seb momentarily stopped just long enough to remove his sweatshirt and throw it on to the sofa. He wasn't surprised when her hungry eyes fell downwards to his torso, her hands, as they started to follow the path of her eyes, set every nerve ending under his skin ablaze and he stood perfectly still, allowing her to touch every inch of him that was bared to her.

Chloe marvelled at the beautiful man in front of her; his soft skin shielded the hard muscle beneath it and his strong arms that held her in bed every night made her inexplicably safe and treasured. The hair on his chest and the little trail that led down over his defined abs to his already hard cock were one of her favourite things about him with his strong back and broad shoulders being top of her list. Who was she kidding?! Every part of this Adonis of a man was her favourite, from his sometimes wild and messy hair to his extremely kissable lips, his sexy butt and even his thighs. There wasn't a single thing on this man that wasn't perfect. As she glided her hands back up his body and ran her fingers through the hair on his chest she finally looked up into his eyes and noticed the smirk on his lips.

"Enjoying yourself? Only I haven't been eye fucked so hard for a while."

"I disagree, you were thoroughly eye fucked by Viviana the second she saw you in Oz." She pointed out.

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