Brianna - Extra Chapter 1: Is a Threesome Kinky?

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As I went into the Kindred-Earth Post Office and gave my info to the clerk who politely asked me to take a seat before going out back to get my package.

My mind went back in time a few years ago, when I was a naive and excitable researcher with frumpy hair and thick glasses.



"Wow." I looked around the vast floors and expanse of the Space Station built with a combination of Kindred technology and the World Government-issued robots and droid support.

I remember hearing that this the very first batch of the occupational draft, a new agreement different from the bride draft initially planned by the World Government.

As one of the few rare multi specialists. My first assignment given to me by the Kindred Council was to teach the Kindred researchers and personnel on how to use the Robotic equipment and droids designed by Cortez-G Technologies HQ, a multinational company specializing in robotics with good ties to the Kindred.

I am kinda nervous because it was my first work away from Earth but what attracted me was the high pay.

Just completing 2 years will give me enough money to pay off my college loans and finally wed my childhood sweetheart.

He has been working hard to be a doctor and we have made a promise to marry once he gets the position he wanted in his hospital and I complete my contract here.

"I will be able to start a life with Gino at last. I mean...he was behaving a little strangely since last month but he called me and promised to see me next month here during visitation week.

I entered the Personnel Training Building on the Third Floor and was greeted by a few of my batchmates who were assigned as well.

" Hmmm....let's see, according to my information..Hmm?" I stopped in front of a door labeled "Lecture Room  1"

Ah! This is the room!

I can actually hear a few male voices, the tone was strange and foreign which made me realize that I will be teaching them as their trainer.

I ran my ID over the sensor and exhaled the breath I have been holding as I stepped into the room which blessedly went silent.


There were 10 Kindreds of varying kinds. I can see a few Blood Kindred with their blonde hair and light-colored eyes; a few Beast Kindred with their wild mane of dark hair and golden eyes but only one pair of Twin Kindred who had both dark and light features.

The protocol insists that the classes are limited to at least 10 males per lecture so that I won't be overwhelmed. When I placed my techpad and materials down the table; I turned around to see all of them were staring at me and I felt my pulse jump in surprise but they seem polite when they all stood up and greeted me in their clear voices.

"Greetings Ma'am!"

Oh.. Phew.

I smiled a bit after I powered up the touch screen and introduced myself while I let the attendance droid check each Kindred to get their attendance.

When the little droid came back, I saw that one pair of Twins were registered to take the class was missing but then the door slid open and I saw the missing pair barge inside

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