Mediwizard gave a great kick to Mustafa's shin, who seemed to snap out of the daze now. He bellowed angrily, before demanding the exit of Veelas from the stadium.

"Well that's entertaining." Calista giggled as she looked at Harry who nodded his head as he gave his laughter of his own.

Mustafa tried to blow out the argument put up by the Bulgarian bearers, and blew two whistles signalling two penalties for Ireland.

The words 'HA HA HA' vanished and turned into gleeful 'HEE HEE HEE' by leprechaun and it made Calista burst out into laughter and the match continued.

But now no beater showed mercy, especially Bulgarians, which was kind of predictable. But it took a nasty turn when Dimitrov nearly toppled Moran from her broom, which issued a loud roar of protest.

"That's a foul, and the whistle confirms it! Deliberate flying into a chaser. Penalty to Ireland!" Bagman exclaimed loudly over the crowd's cheers and boos.

Leprechauns rose into the air again and formed into a very rude sign towards Veelas and Veelas had enough as they lunged at them, now no longer looking beautiful, but rather ugly sharp beaks appearing in their appearance.

"See there Calista? That's the truth about the beauty of their illusion. There is always something dangerous about their beauty. Always watch out for the things that are too beautiful to be true, they are always dangerous." Anne said, her eyes glimmering with amusement. Celeste nodded her head in understanding.

Ministry wizards hurriedly tried to separate Leprechauns and Veelas but not near null success and it was quite nasty to look at.

Above, Irish players were scoring right after the other and it was getting very obvious that Bulgarians would never cover it up, even with catching the snitch.

An Irish beater aimed for Bulgarian seeker Krum who was trying his best to find a snitch just to hit a dead end.

The bludger hurled straight at Krum and hit directly at Krum's nose, which started to bleed profusely.

Bulgarians broke in loud boos but Mustafa was busy with putting down the fire hit robes caught after one of the Veela threw a ball of fire at him.

"Time out! What? Look at him, he can't play like that!" Bagman seemed to be arguing with people sitting with him.

Calista pointed at Lynch, who went in the dive, it was not feint but a real snitch glittering in the middle of the stadium.

"Harry, look!" Calista exclaimed as she watched Lynch diving and Harry leaned to watch clearly as to what was happening.

"He will crash!" Harry exclaimed as the seeker was not slowing down, and as expected, Lynch crashed loudly with a loud crunch.

Calista winced as she used her omnioculars to see the state, and yes he was out cold.

"Where is the snitch?" Charlie asked as he couldn't see what was happening, everyone was holding their breath.

"Krum caught the snitch, but Ireland wins!" Bagman announced the most unpredictable result. The scoreboard was

Ireland- 170 points

Bulgaria- 160 points

Calista broke in loud cheers as she jumped up and down and looked at Harry who was also celebrating.

And the celebration carried on after the Irish got their trophy and everyone filled out of the stadium and headed to their respective tents.

The Irish were dancing and hollering and Calista couldn't help but laugh along. She had her arm swung around Harry as they laughed and looked at the celebration around them and had verbal reminiscing of the world cup match and talked about the strategies and how they would put them in play this year.

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