12/2/14 Letter One

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Dear Keith,

I feel like your music is about my life. I was thinking of your song last night. I was playing a game with R. She always makes me feel like I'm a fuck up. She found out that I cut, and now she won't leave me alone. I wish we could go back to how it used to be, when I never worried about her hating me, when i didn't wonder how I got into this mess. It was only a sentence, but somehow it set me off. I completely broke down. I cried myself to sleep, just because of that, and I hated it. And last night, I made up my mind. I was going to die. I've always had suicide to consider..... Ever since 5th grade. But it's only now that I realize how much I'm actually willing to go through with it. If all goes well, then I'll do it in January. My church has a ski trip. If my mom doesn't come, and I continue feeling this way, then the time is set. Starting next week, I won't take my medicine. I'll hide it. With the 6 I already have, and since I take it everyday, I should have enough by January. It's time for me to be free, and I can't wait.

- Grace

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