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The 4rd quarter was just about three quarters over and the soccer game was going well for Jinsoul's team. BBC High was pushing hard for the upper hand and was not having an incredibly hard time beating their opponents.

The crowd cheered and began to stop their feet in unison as the players lined themselves up again on the field. BBC had the ball. There was a brief silence until the referee blew his whistle and the play began.

Hyunjin flew up the field after the ball was passed to her, dodging the other offenders who tried to steal it.

On the other side of the field, Jinsoul sprinted to keep up with her teammate, avoiding players who tried to mark her. She glanced at the scoreboard just long enough to see the time. 1:15 left. "Better make this count," she thought to herself.

Hyunjin soon approached the box and the other team was on edge, defenders surrounding her. She made her way around a few, but eventually too many blocked her path.

"Hyunjin, pass!" Jinsoul called quickly. She was to the side of her teammate and just behind while the defenders focused on BBC players closer to the box. Hyunjin swiftly kicked the ball to her blonde teammate who immediately began sprinting again to the box.

By the time the opposing players reached her, Jinsoul had sharply punted the ball into the top right corner of the goal. The ref whistled, signaling the end of the game. Jinsoul looked up at the score board as the crowd whistled and cheered. The final score was 4:1, the BBC Bulldogs had won. She smiled as Hyunjin tackled her in a triumphant hug, both girls and their other teammates smiling and laughing.

"Jung, Kim, that was a great play!" Coach Park exclaimed, giving the girls high fives as they jogged to the sideline. "Son, get these girls some water."

Hyejoo yawned as she lugged the water bottle cases out to the other girls. Jinsoul wiped the sweat off her brow as she thanked the younger girl.

"Cheer up, Hyejoo! We just won!" Hyunjin laughed as she grabbed a bottle. Hyejoo rolled her eyes.

"It's not like you guys never do." she replied sarcastically as the other players grabbed the bottles from her.

"We couldn't have done it without our best cheerleader!" Hyunjin punched the sophomore's arm and made her grin playfully, earning a chuckle from Jinsoul. Coach Park called all the girls together into a team huddle.

"That was a great game girls, you almost made it look easy." He grinned. "All your training is really paying off. At this rate, BBC will probably have a great shot at regionals this year." The girls all cheered.

"Don't let up, though, ladies. We still have a lot to go through before then, and we don't know who stepped up their game this year." Seulgi, the senior captain of the team, reminded them. "In any case, great work today! All of you deserve to celebrate! Make sure you get your rest though, we have practice on Sunday morning." Coach Park nodded in agreement to the captain's words. With that, all the girls put their hands into the circle.

"Bulldogs on three! One, two, three!" the captains, Seulgi and Jinsoul shouted, followed by the rest of the team. The girls each thanked Coach Park, grabbed their bags, and headed off the field.

After cleaning up in the locker room, Jinsoul, Hyunjin, and Hyejoo headed to the parking lot. They spotted their friend Sooyoung's car and made their way over.

Sooyoung stood by the open trunk of her white Mercedes, sucking on a lollipop while scrolling through her phone. She had always come to watch her friends' games since it was her off season, and she didn't mind driving them home, being the good friend she was.

"Hey Sooyoung," Jinsoul greeted with a smile, tossing her bag into the trunk. The slightly older girl looked up.

"Great game guys! You really beat them easily this time." Sooyoung congratulated.

"Yeah, that's our routine," Hyunjin stuck out her tongue as she threw her bag in the car aggressively. "Hey!" Sooyoung threatened, the other girl snickering as she ran to the other side of the car. The taller girl rolled her eyes playfully and smiled.

Hyejoo finally arrived at the car, eyes glued to her phone. Sooyoung knew she was playing some game. The older girl smirked and raised a hand to the trunk.

"You coming? or .." Sooyoung questioned sarcastically, earning a playful glare from the sophomore who turned back to her game.

The junior suddenly grabbed the younger's phone and ran around the car, Hyejoo immediately popping back into reality. She tossed her bag in the car and closed the trunk before chasing after the other girl.

Once all the girls got in the car and settled down, Sooyoung pulled out o f the parking lot. They all laughed together and sang as the music blasted through the car speakers.

After a few minutes, the Mercedes pulled into the King's Avenue Diner parking lot. The group of friends loved going to the restaurant after their sporting events, it was almost tradition now. They entered the diner and got seated by the hostess. A dark-haired waitress soon came over to the group's table.

"Hello, I'm Jiwoo! I'll be your server today. What would you guys like to drink?" Jiwoo smiled politely at the other high school girls.

"Jiwoo, right? You're the student in music field who helped compose the music for the play last year, aren't you? You did a really good job with that." Jinsoul praised kindly, earning a grin and nod from the waitress.

"Oh, you wrote those? I absolutely loved them." Sooyoung told her, taking her lollipop out of her mouth. Jiwoo nodded shyly and looked down to hide her slightly pink cheeks.

"Anyways, drinks?" She said and the girls ordered. Jinsoul and Hyunjin glanced at each other while Sooyoung and Hyejoo were focused again on their phones. The soccer players had definitely seen the way Jiwoo had blushed cutely at Sooyoung's compliment.

After a minute, Jinsoul shook her head at her teammate with a smirk, signaling that they wouldn't bring it up to the clueless girl now. Hyunjin gave her a knowing look before punching Hyejoo beside her. The sophomore looked up sharply and rubbed the spot and groaned dramatically. Hyunjin and Jinsoul just laughed teasingly, soon followed by Sooyoung who put her phone down on the table.

The girls continued to chat, joke around, and enjoy each other's company for the rest of the evening, like any other perfect Friday night.

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