The League of Villains

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"We're fine," Nezu said.

"Very well then." Devil said as everyone takes their seats causing the screen to turn on.

Izuku opened his eyes. He was lying on a couch but made no attempt to move or examine his surroundings.

"Oh thank god he alive," Ochako said breathing a sigh of relief.

"But where is here?" Denki asked.

"I see you're awake, good," came a voice to Izuku's left.

All Might and Gran Torino growl as they know who that voice belongs to.

He sat up and turned to see who it was talking. While doing so he saw that he was in some sort of bar. There were two people there. One was behind the counter wearing a classic bartender suit and whose head and hands looked like a black mist. The other was a man with messy grey hair, dark trousers, and top and, disturbingly, a disembodied hand covering his face.

Everyone now knows where he is. Izuku is in one of the League of Villains hideout. The heroes are worried about Izuku while the villains are interesting in what going on.

"What do they want with him?" Ochako asked.

"I don't know," Tenya replied.

"Is this heaven or hell?" Izuku asked lazily. "I honestly couldn't care less at this point".

"Woah man, talk about being emo," Denki said getting a slap behind the head by Jiro.

"He almost dies and you making a joke." Jiro remind.

"Sorry." Denki apologize.

The other displayed no reaction to this statement.

"You're not dead if that's what you think. Kurogiri here saved you before that happened. Oh names Tomura Shigaraki by the way, but just call me Shigaraki," replied the man with the hand on his face.

"I don't care about your names. Why did you bother saving me?" asked Izuku in a depressed voice.

The heroes flinch as they heard a depressed tone in his voice. Inko is crying seeing the state that her son in. Katsuki just lowers his head as he hated himself for bullying him. All Might felt shame after the 'advice' that his alternate self gives him.

"I asked Kurogiri to bring you here," said a deep voice.

Izuku turned slightly to see a tv with a man broadcasting himself on it. From what Izuku could see he had no face, no eyes, ears or even nose, just a mouth.

The heroes shiver to see All for One face as look like that he is beyond human. All for One growl as he remembers the fight he has with infuriating All Might.

"Hello Izuku," the man greeted politely. "My name is All for One. This is the League of Villains."

Izuku was confused."The League of Villains?" he asked.

Izuku was fully aware these were criminals, dangerous people he should be afraid of, but for some reason, he got the feeling they weren't here to hurt him. Curious he started to speak.

"Why does he think that?" Mineta asked.

"Let just say that All for One have eyes for potential." Devil stated, looking at All for One.

"Wait you were looking for me, what would you want with someone like me?" he asked still confused. All for One held up a burnt notebook and said "Tomura here found this while he was out and brought it to me. I must admit me and my associates were impressed by these notes of yours. You've got quite a talent."

Reacting to Good and Evilحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن