A1 S4

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It was a gloomy afternoon
Heidi came home from work early; sick and tired
Larry is in his bedroom chillin.

*Larry's phone rings*

Larry: Hello?

Heidi: I'm feeling a little sick.

Larry: Is someone there  with you?

Heidi: Nope, It's just mighty me.

Larry: okay I'm going there . Uh just stay put okay.

*Larry goes to the drug store*

Pharmacist: What Can I get you sir?

Larry: Uh just a bottle of Advil.

Pharmacist: Is that all?

Larry: How much is that pregnancy test kit?

Pharmacist: $2 Dollars.

Larry: I'm gonna buy that too.

*Leaves the pharmacy*

Enters Heidi's House

Deafening Silence starts to fill the room

Larry drops the plastic bag filled with the stuff He bought from the pharmacy

Larry: I bought you a pregnancy test kit.

*Heidi grabs the kit*

Larry: So ummm how's work today?

Heidi: Your father doesn't like us being together huh?

Larry: No he's definitley/okay with US Being together

Heidi: / is it because He prefers you dating the rich bitch Cynthia huh?

Larry: Honey listen to me/ we will not let my father get in the Middle of this okay

Heidi: /Oh come on you always act as if you know everything we're just highschool lovers

Larry: Fine then. Let's Elope

Heidi: But Larry we dont have decent jobs and /we dont have money

Larry: /I'm gonna work as a truck driver and then once I've gathered enough money , I'm gonna enter a law school.

Heidi: But what about our child?

Larry: We're gonna raise her or him with love.
Lights out

DEAR EVAN HANSEN "THE TRUTH" a FanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum