"BEEP,BEEP,BEEP".My alarm clock screamed in my ears,jolting me the fuck awake.
"AHHH,MOTHER FUCKER!!!"I swatted at the annoying ass clock,clumsily falling off of my bed in the process."ouch"groaning I rubbed my head,getting up slowly.I stretched hearing the delightful sound ,of my back cracking.I wasn't quite the morning person,but my dad wanted me to wake up like 2 hours early.He said heroes need to be prepared for any existing danger,that and something about woman taking too long to get ready.I put on the uniform,sloppily slipping on the tie.Carefully I chose my favorite Adidas perfume,it smelled like candy.just a spritz,that's all you need.I was so tempted to just pour the whole bottle of perfume on me,since it smelled absolutely delicious.I lazily brushed my hair,then continued on to my teeth.I applied a very little amount of makeup,since I felt that it wasn't really my thing.Once I was finished with the whole look,I decided to take a peek in the mirror.Damn skirt being way too short,why do they make these things like this?!I left my room and entered the kitchen,then realizing that there was a note on the table.
   Dear Zephyr,I'm sorry but I have gone on another business trip.I was needed for an important mission,something about a secret gang.Anyways don't do anything bad while I'm gone,if you run out of food to eat I left some money on the table.I have to go,I'm running on a tight schedule.But ,I hope you have a great day at UA.Don't give anyone too hard of a time ,I know how you can get.

I grab a banana,then I'm on my way.I start to look at the breath taking city around me,and smile.My stride quick,yet careful.I throw my banana peel,in a passing dump truck.She shoots,she scores!Whoohooo!!!I really wanted to do a victory dance,but I knew people would look at me like I had grown 5 new heads so I decided against it."About fucking god damn time,I finally reached the school"Cursed short ass legs,why did I have to be 5'2!!!I went inside the well known school,and was surprised that there wasn't many people there yet.I went up to a guy,much taller than me.He had glasses,and his hair a bluish-black.I tapped him on the back,as soon as he spoke i knew I made a huge mistake.
"Yes,hello I assume you would like assistance".Yes he was polite,but he was too much of a chatterbox.
"I would like to know where I can find,class 1A".He looked like he was thinking for a moment,then broke out with a smile.
"Oh I'm in class 1A,you must be the new student".I gave him the,'oh really,who would have thought!'look.
"Yeah obviously,the names Zephyr Camden don't wear it out"He then stuck out his hand for me to shake,I really didn't want to but did it anyways.
"Tenya Iida,but to you Iida"I was getting impatient,I just wanted to know where my home room was already.Im guessing by the look on his face he finally put the pieces together ,as he then finally spoke."Oh right, sorry miss follow me right this way!"This guy is way too damn fast,for my short ass legs.Somehow I managed to keep up,just enough to see him across the hall waiting at a door."This Camden,is class 1A!"Iida opened the door me,allowing me to go inside.Everyone's talking ,soon diminished as I stepped inside.
"Ah you must be miss Camden,please introduce yourself to the class"I nodded my head,wondering who this guy was as he never told me his name.
"I'm Zephyr Camden,that's my name don't wear it out.Also my quirk,is called wildlife.I can turn into any animal I desire,I can also have a mix of animals if I wanted.But if I stay in the mixed state for too long,I can go into a coma".I said shortly,not wanting to deal with looking at the class full of dumb asses.An annoying sound reached my ears,mumbling and the flipping on pages.I looked towards the sound,a boy with messy green hair.I chose to say nothing,as I was the daughter of a pro hero after all.
"Miss Camden you may take your seat next to miss Ashido,miss Ashido please raise your hand".A pink alien looking girl looked at me,her skin color kinda reminded me of bubble gum."Seems I forgot one thing,oh yeah I'm your sensei...you may call me Aizawa sensei,nothing more nothing less.Okay now sit in your chair,we don't have all day".he said in monotone,looking tired as ever.I walked over to this,Ashido girl taking my seat.
"Pssssssssst...hey you seem pretty cold,what's up?"Bubble gum bitch asked me.Glaring I retorted,to this annoying ass little alien.
"And why is any of my personal matter,any of your business bubblegum bitch".I was surprised but didn't show it,it seemed like she was used to being yelled at.
"Because you seem interesting,I wanna be your friend!"Now I was in utter disbelief,ever since the accident no one had wanted to be my friend.I just couldn't get over the fact,that someone I had been close to since birth had died.So after she died,I didn't care for anything much.I didn't care much for being in the top three hero group ,but I at least wanted to make it to the top ten range.
"I don't need friends,I'm not a weakling"I thought that would stop her,but she just kept prying.
"But having friends could be helpful,you might learn new things"Okay now I was interested,I had to admit I was intrigued.
"like what?"The pink alien giggled.
"Depends on what you want to learn!"
Meh I didn't need anymore explanation,I wanted to figure out what she could help me with so I agreed.
"I'm sold,you've convinced me Ashido"As soon as I said that,her eyes lit up.
"REALLY,oh and you can call me Mina by the way!"Aizawa sensei,sent a warning glare towards us.
"Miss Ashido,I advise you stop disrupting the class".Ashido quickly shut up,and looked towards the angry sensei.Eventually I got bored of listening to Aizawa sensei rambling on,so I decided to take a look at each of my classmates.A short grape,wannabe pikachu,dude with big lips,half and half dude,broccoli,innocent looking brunette,frog,musical looking girl,guy who was sticking tape on random stuff,mute dude,shark,hoe ass looking rich bitch,sparkling gay French,sonic(Yes I might have missed some),and last bust not least spiky angry hedgehog...but when I looked at the last person,they were looking at me blushing.Quickly he looked away,then 'tsked'.I don't know what happened,but something burnt deep inside of me when this guy looked at me.I wanted him to look at me more,I liked him looking at me.I knew I had a crush,but how was I supposed to deal with it.I mean I guess I could talk to Mina about it,even though it would be embarrassing.But it's worth the shot,she said she could help me after all.
I miss you,all three of you.Everyday that you're gone,I feel more lost.At least two of you are still alive,or at least I hope so.Please come home safely Aster,it's been 5 years.I know you're watching,even though I miss you guys so much I'll keep fighting for you.Even though I want so badly to join you in the afterlife,I know that dad still needs me here.I hope you're happy where you are,see you when time's up.

1337 words!!!

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