Delicious bread

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Jongho slowly flutters his eyes open, waking up from his slumber and hearing the faint noises of people from outside of the small house of Yunho and his dad.

He released a long and sad sigh.

I'm stuck here..

But, what will happen back there? Will I be missing there? Oh, San..

He then heard the door creak open, seeing the tall male walk inside the room that Jongho is in and sat on the edge of the wooden bed.

"What's the matter..? That frown doesn't suit you.", Yunho lightly giggles.

Jongho snorts softly, sitting up from the slightly uncomfortable bed, and stretched his arms, and yawned.

"I'm fine.. Just, a little homesick I guess..", Jongho shrugs.

Yunho sighs and scoots closer to the young boy, ruffling his soft black hair, and smiles softly at him, "But I thought you were not treated well back at your family. That's why we agreed on making your stay for a while."

Jongho purses his lips, "I know.. Just, can't help it."

Last night, the day when he entered Aurolis and met Yunho's dad, Jongho tried to lie about his life in this dimension.

'So uh, my family didn't like me back at our home. They would always bully me and let me do the house chores alone. And that, one day I was told to sell our cow and as you remember sir Jeong, the man instead gave me beans instead of real silver and I fell for it because he was nice and a flatterer. I was devastated and sad, not wanting to show my face again in that house..

For sure, they are going to beat me up again if they knew I sold the cow and got beans instead of silver..-'

'Oh, poor boy..! Why don't you stay here then?'


'Shush, Yunho.'

And that's why he is laying in Yunho's room. They are currently sharing one bed and Yunho seemed to slowly like the boy.

And he felt relieved somehow because of his story. A small tale of Jack and the beanstalk with a pinch of Cinderella on it. Well, they kinda fell for it. So he's just gonna go with the flow.

Yunho placed his hand on Jongho's shoulder and squeezed it a bit, "It's all right. I know how you feel.

And breakfast is ready. Come join us, your bread is still hot and will be warm if you don't eat it for too long."

Yunho held his hand out and Jongho took it, getting off the bed and the two walked towards their small dining table and saw Yunho's dad eating his bread peacefully while fixing something on top of the table.

This made Yunho grumble and walk towards his dad, "Father, I told you no dirty and rusty equipment on top of the table. You don't have manners."

𝔜𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔐𝔞𝔧𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔶 • jongsang ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن